How Does Rûm Relate to Israel And Drones?

How Does Rûm Relate to Israel And Drones? December 19, 2024

One of the biggest news events this week has been the brutal attack of Israel on targets in Syria. Israel even dropped their “Earthquake” bomb on a Syrian target to destroy military supplies and weapons. Israel has moved beyond the defensive posture to an offensive one.

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Revenge has clouded Israel’s leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu’s thinking. The pursuit of earthly greatness will corrupt God’s people and make us more like the world than God.

  • Vengeful
  • Greedy
  • Deceptive
  • Oppressive

God’s people have forgotten to be different from the power-hungry ways of this dark and corrupt world (Deuteronomy 7:6, Proverbs 1:15.) Israel’s thirst for power and revenge has made it more like the fallen world than like the most high God (Psalm 27:9.)

Mankind fell because it wanted to be great like God instead of being humble and obedient to God (Genesis 3:1-27.) The path to greatness isn’t for God’s people to be like the world, our path is in humble submission to God. God’s people humble themselves so God will exalt them if and when it is His will, not ours (Ezekiel 21:26.)


Exalt is an old word most of us in the 21st century don’t use or fully understand. It’s no wonder that so many Christians get this part of the Christian life wrong because they are too busy trying to be like the world.

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Exalt is defined as, “Raise in rank, power, or character; elevate.” We use more modern terms like: advance, promote, or raise up. Exaltation is more a spiritual process than a natural or worldly pursuit.

Despite that false teachers today teach God’s people to pursue earthly greatness, success, and their selfish dreams. Christianity teaches us to do the opposite so that God will exalt us. These people are biblically ignorant of God and His ways because they are of the world not the Kingdom of God.

God knows that the hearts of man are sinful and corrupt; pride puffs us up and makes us want to be great like God. God’s people are called to humble themselves so that our great God can exalt us in His time (Romans 12:3-9, Ephesians 4:2, Philippians 2:3-8, 1 Peter 5:5-6.) The apostles remembered their Jewish education about how God exalts His people if they humble themselves (2 Chronicles 7:14.)


Ever since the fall in the garden, mankind has aspired for greatness and knowledge at all costs, even of their souls (Genesis 3:1-24.) The ancient world was led by those who were at the top of the food chain, everyone aspired to get to the top and to be great.

Corrupt and evil rulers oppressed the people so they could stay in power at all costs. These rulers wanted to be exalted above everyone else and praised for their greatness. However, they ruled through force and numbers, not God’s power.God’s people would to humble themselves so that He would exalt them (1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 96:7-8, Jeremiah 10:7, Ezekiel 21:26.)

The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for exalt is rûm and it can also mean, “Lift, high, lofty, or take,” depending on the context it is used in. The world practices and believes in self-exaltation and pursuing earthly greatness, both result in pride and not humility. These are the ways of the flesh and the world, they are not suitable for the people of God.

Judaism teaches a different path to greatness, Teshuva is outlined below.

  1. Regret
  2. Abandonment
  3. Confession
  4. Resolve

One of the main teachings of Jesus was the path to true greatness is humility (Matthew 23:12.) Jesus Himself didn’t seek earthly greatness and it was God Who exalted Him (Philippians 2:9.)

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God’s people are called to be the light of this world and not practice its evil ways (Matthew 5:14-16.) Jesus continued this Jewish path to greatness through humility by teaching His Disciples to be humble.

Humility is an act of self-denial that leads to true greatness in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:4, Luke 14:11, James 4:6.) We don’t need to be lifted up if we are already high and mighty, once we learn to value what God values our priorities change.  Prideful people don’t need God.  God raises us up for His glory, not ours (Matthew 5:16, 1 Corinthians 10:31.)


For the last few weeks, there has been a lot of controversy about drones being operated and sighted around the country. We shouldn’t be surprised because there are over 1 million registered drone operators in the United States. Last year laws changed to allow operators to fly drones at night.

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Drones embody how everyone wants to be lifted up and have a higher perspective. Everyone wants to be high and lit up for all the world to see. Because we live in a dark world that won’t get any better no matter what mankind does or who’s in the White House.

  • Corrupt
  • Deceptive
  • Abusive

God’s people are called to be the light in this dark world, not to practice its self-serving evil ways (Matthew 5:14-16, John 8:12, Ephesians 5:8.) We are called to follow Jesus And His example, not politicians’ or great businessmen’s ways.

Brothers and sisters if you want to be great in the Kingdom of God then cling to the words of the prophet Hosea and humble yourself (Micah 6: 8.) Our light comes from God, not ourselves or the world. Therefore we humble ourselves so that God will rûm us .

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