HeOne of the biggest surprises this week was that Time magazine announced Donald Trump as their Person of the Year. However, the magazine is known for leaning to the left on American values and issues.
The magazine’s values don’t align with most conservatives in America. It has had a history of controversial picks for person of the year during its near hundred year tenure.
- Adolf Hitler
- Joseph Stalin
- Nikita Krushchev
- Richard Nixon
- Ayatollah Khomeini
While each of these rulers may have been popular at some point and achieved earthly greatness, history reminds us of their evil actions and cool injustices. Just because something is popular on earth, doesn’t mean it is just or right by God’s standards, only God is just (Exodus 3:14, Deuteronomy 32:4, Psalm 33:5.)
Nazi-ism, communism, and the Iranian rebellion are examples of earthly power and authority gone wrong when abused by corrupt rulers. Trump-ism is just as damning and demonic. Mankind likes to create and follow God’s made in their image, instead of following and obeying God. Earthly rulers rule over temporary kingdoms, not God’s Kingdom, where He rules alone (Psalm 103:19.)
What Are Rulers
Rulers often start out as leaders who do and pursue good, but success and greatness blind the hearts of man and the noblest of rulers. A ruler is defined as, “A person or body of persons possessing sovereignty.”
It is important to be careful who we listen to and follow because the wrong people will lead us astray, particularly God’s people (Mark 4:24, Luke 8:18, Galatians 5:7-9.) Earthly leaders can easily lead us astray. God’s people are notorious for being easily led astray.
That is why Christianity teaches God is sovereign and His people’s true Ruler (John 14:6, Romans 13:1-14, Colossians 1:13-17, 1 Peter 2:13-17,) the apostles remembered their Jewish education about good and bad rulers.
Rulers in the ancient world were often corrupt and overbearing. They burdene the people with heavy taxes and laborsome work—all to benefit the life of the evil rulers! That is part of the reason why God’s people were set apart and consecrated to Himself, because God is our ultimate Ruler (Leviticus 11:44-45, Deuteronomy 7:6.) The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for ruler is śar and it can also mean, “Prince, noble, chief, overseer, or commander,” depending upon the context it was used in.
God’s ways of leadership are different from the corrupt pursuits of the world (Isaiah 55:8-9, Ezekiel 18:25.) Unfortunately God’s people were often easily led astray, even by their own leaders appointed by God (1 Samuel 15:2-35, Isaiah 3: 14-15, Jeremiah 23:1-4, Hosea 13:9-11, Micah 3:1-12.)
That is why Jewish leadership has specific guidelines and requirements to help keep God’s people from following evil rulers.
- Leadership begins with taking responsibility.
- Share leadership responsibilities.
- Leadership is about the future.
- Leaders continue to learn.
- Believe in the people you lead.
- Leadership isn’t rushed.
- Leadership isn’t easy.
- Humility
Jesus epitomizes the values and teachings of Jewish leadership. Jesus taught His Disciples to not be like the power-hungry rulers of the world (Matthew 20:25-28; 23:1-3.) He taught that greatness in God’s Kingdom isn’t like earthly greatness (Matthew 18:4, Mark 9:35.)
The people of God must not abuse power and position like the corrupt rulers of this world God set His people apart from (Romans 12:1-4.)
Benjamin Netanyahu
In a not surprising turn of events, Benjamin Netanyahu took the stand this week for crimes Israel has committed against Gaza in response to the horrific October 7 attack last year. Mr. Netanyahu’s thirst for revenge against Israel’s enemies has caused him to abuse his power and authority to fulfill his will, not God’s.
God’s people aren’t to seek revenge like Worldly rulers (Leviticus 19:18, Deuteronomy 32:35.) God’s people are to put their trust and hope in God, not themselves or earthly power (Psalm 20:7, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 17:5-8.) Godly leaders cannot follow the ways of evil earthly kingdoms.
- Deception
- Corruption
- Abusive
We live in a world that teaches us to fight for whatever we want and we can be great. The pride of life and pursuit of earthly greatness has led to a temporary kingdom that isn’t of God. When we follow the ways of the world, we cease to be the light of the world.
Jesus taught that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted (Matthew 23:12.) In heaven the weak and humble will be śars!