
LisaMladinich_headshotJust as ordinary well water was turned into a sumptuous wine at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-12), each of us is invited to enjoy a life of exceptional beauty by entrusting everything we are and all that we do to Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

This blog is about transformation because my own life is being profoundly transformed in Christ. It’s been more than twenty years since my conversion in 1992, and I still can’t stop talking about it, writing about it, and creating presentations that invite audiences to consider their own lives in the light of the transcendent and beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church.

I know that every reader of this blog has personal stories of transformation, too, and I prayerfully hope you’ll share them with me here in the comments section or by email (lisa@mladinich.com). I offer you my prayers as you seek to hear the voice of God calling you deeper into his heart and into joy.

Falling in love with God in sacraments and scripture begins to pull aside the veil of mystery that hangs about every life. Who am I? What is my purpose? Is it possible to discern the voice of God in my daily life?

Inviting others into this essential relationship is the focus of all my work: I’m the author ofCover_Art_True_Radiance “True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life,” due out October 16, 2015, from Servant Books; the “Be an Amazing Catechistseries from Our Sunday Visitor; the owner of AmazingCatechists.com; a featured columnist at RTJs Creative Catechist and CATECHIST magazine; a motivational trainer for catechists and DREs; and a speaker on issues of women’s spirituality. My newest book, “Heads Bowed: Prayers for Every School Day,” will be available from Liguori Publications in March, 2016. In all things, Holy Mother Church is my guide and sure foundation.

Long ago, I learned the hard way that trusting the world to tell me who I am and what’s important only leads to despair. But if I seek Jesus and rest in his mercy, he promises to change the ordinary waters of my soul into something beautiful and fragrant with his presence.

In the words of the Blessed Mother, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5)–and then watch him turn water into wine!