A Prayer for Election Night

A Prayer for Election Night November 5, 2024


Gracious, loving God, we have been entrusted with a nation that honors its citizenry with freedom and responsibility.  We are inheritors of a system that provides for the continued well being of that nation, through orderly elections and peaceful changes in leadership.

In this conflicted time, when opinions run deep, remind us: that our democratic process is more important than the election any one individual, that no election can produce a result on which we can all agree, and that accepting the choice made is finally more important than the choice itself.

Prepare us all for that eventuality, by helping us to grasp this truth.  Lead us into the future.  Bind our wounds.  Restore civil discourse.  Teach us to hold ourselves and our leaders to a new level of honesty and integrity.

Deepen our appreciation of our national heritage.  Remind us the responsibility that it carries.  Strengthen us in our effort to fulfill that responsibility in word and deed.

Always and everywhere, remind us: that the body of Christ is your chosen instrument of redemption in the world, that your claim on our lives transcends all other claims, that we are your witnesses, and that our well being rests with you.

This we ask through your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit reign one God, now and forever.  Amen.



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