December 9, 2015

I made the disastrous mistake of accidentally reading today’s Islamophobic diatribe from Franklin Graham (how did this show up in my newsfeed? I *blocked* all FG posts ages ago!?). But instead of getting mad at him or losing my shit over the comments (because seriously – my head pops off and fire erupts **exactly like** on InsideOut, which is the most emotionally accurate film ever made – don’t even try to debate me on this.), I scrolled through comments, careful... Read more

October 28, 2015

There’s a thought that’s been marinating in my brain for a while. I haven’t made a point of saying it out loud (or in print) until now because it’s been said a billion times by better authors with wider audiences, and I am therefore, essentially, a mockingbird just singalinging what I’ve heard. But it struck me one day as I sat in church not too long ago, and again this evening when I read this HuffPost piece which features a... Read more

October 21, 2015

In the middle of the night last night, I was awake and figured I might as well dive head-first into my first annual Mid-October Assessment of the Year Thus Far. Here’s some stuff I’ve learned. 1) Streaking is a bad idea. Joining The Latest Challenge or diet or whatever is possibly probably a terrible idea. Your body needs more than grapefruit. My muscles do need rest days. It’s okay to take them. It’s okay to say, “Hey it’s cool that... Read more

October 17, 2015

Continuing to process Cindy Brandt​’s ‘Raising Children Un-Fundamentalist’ series, in particular one guest post about why her family doesn’t say The Sinner’s Prayer… The more I think about it, the more I come to the stark realization that while my “salvation experience” at age 4 (yeah – I was an early bird) was certainly real, it was not an “I have decided to follow Jesus” moment. Rather, it was my, “My four year old terrified brain cannot bear the thought... Read more

June 3, 2015

Dear Trans* Friends, I mean that: you are dear. As in, beloved. Yesterday, after a day of some battling over a certain Trans* woman – I’ll call her Caitlyn, because that’s who she is – I wrote a message for you. I wanted you to know that to me, and many others, and especially to the God I worship, you are not abominable. You are not broken or crazy; you are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, as you are, right now.... Read more

May 26, 2015

**Trigger Warning: The following post contains discussion of sexual assault & sexual violence, and may be disturbing or triggering to survivors.** As anyone who follows my Facebook goings-on knows, I wasn’t remotely surprised about last week’s Duggar Scandal. I’ve been very vocal in my criticism of Quiverfull Patriarchy sub-culture and the abuse and repression endemic to its fundamentalist theology. What was largely lost, yet again, in the blog-flinging from both sides – those condemning Josh’s actions and the QF movement,... Read more

November 14, 2014

This morning, my husband brought me coffee in bed. It was steaming hot, delicious, and perfectly sugared and creamed. He brought it to me at 9:45am, after having gotten up with Eli at 7:30am. That’s right – he let me sleep in. Til 9:45am. I know, right? I’m one lucky broad. I say all this like it doesn’t happen every day. I’m serious people: Paul gets up with Eli each morning, letting me sleep in like a pathetic college kid,... Read more

October 28, 2014

“I thought I could fly…well, at least until my wings were clipped at the age of 4 when I first lost my innocence to my grandfather.” In my last blog, I told a little bit of her story… She was four years old when her grandfather molested her for the first time. She was five when he raped her to the fullest extent of the word. She was eleven before he quit, presumably because she’d soon begin menstruating. Soon after,... Read more

September 25, 2014

“White friends, from a basic to do list standpoint: displace. Sit in the pain. Invest in one relationship. Give. Share. Retweet. Read. Listen. Get to know the heart language of Black Americans. I cannot imagine how different the Ferguson protests would look if even half of the Ferguson police force took this advice.” ~Grace Sandra Today, a friend of mine linked to a Deeper Story blog authored by Grace Sandra, in which she – a Black American – asks her... Read more

July 9, 2014

(*actually, wholly, totally, 100%, not-just-anti-abortion) I AM PRO-LIFE. I am anti-violence. Anti-death penalty. I am against anything that would create an enemy of my neighbor – even my violent, criminal neighbor – and make him a monster deserving annihilation, rather than the beloved of God needing desperately to be reminded of who he is to whom he belongs. I AM PRO-LIFE. I am against the weaponizing of people, and especially the church. Our war is won and the Victor is... Read more

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