May 14, 2014

In its decisions in the case of Greece v. Galloway, the Supreme Court of the United States handed us all a bunch of lemons. Who wants lemonade? Read more

May 7, 2014

You’d be surprised how many interfaith groups are already out there. Sometimes they are languishing, needing new energy such as yours. Read more

May 5, 2014

Where does the time go? Wasn’t it only yesterday that we heard about a new web presence called Patheos?  And now Patheos is celebrating five years of delicious religious conversation.  I’ve loved sharing Patheos with my friends at Interfaith Partners of S.C.  Our Wild Garden Pagan interfaith column has been the icing on this birthday cake.  Congratulations, Patheos! – Holli Emore It was late in 2010 when I first heard of Patheos, and since then I’ve been an avid reader. ... Read more

May 1, 2014

So many semantics, so many different interpretations of various meanings, it is sometimes hard to believe that people are even able to communicate!  No wonder so many wars have occurred in the name of religion/faith! The other day I was talking with a woman about about a compassionate topic.  During the conversation she shared that when someone posted “Happy Easter” on her news feed, she was offended.  It made me realize that while I don’t really follow the whole Christian... Read more

April 22, 2014

With a tip of the hat to John Beckett over at Under the Ancient Oaks here on the Pagan channel, I thought I'd share three somewhat disconnected things that happened to me recently:a summary of a conversation with a non-Pagan friend, some thoughts on Interfaith-ish gatherings, and the fact that I forgot about Easter. Read more

April 18, 2014

I view our interfaith work as being a bit like my gardening. Those of us engaged in it are clearing away the detritus of hatred and misunderstanding built up by a winter of viewing other as “bad.” We are pruning back our beliefs that we know the “one true religion,” thereby letting the light of understanding reach deeply into our hearts. And we are planting seeds of compassion and understanding to be shared by all of us around the globe. Read more

April 17, 2014

I learned during this month’s interfaith breakfast is that for a Jewish person watching a holocaust documentary – it is not at all like that horror movie I described. It’s personal. It’s real life for them. What I take for granted as an educational platform is a real life experience a Jewish person lives with every day. Read more

April 16, 2014

There’s been a lot of angst expressed over the notion of “Wiccanate privilege.” Personally, I dislike the term. I think that stating this dissatisfaction at the outset by the using the notion of “Wiccanate privilege,” or any other kind of privilege, sets up an oppositional stance when perhaps none was intended. Read more

April 3, 2014

I believe there's a LOT that the we Heathens could learn from the Jewish community, but if I had to pick a starting place it would be that idea of sacred language. Read more

April 2, 2014

It’s amazing sometimes to sit with a retired minister of (choose your abrahamic faith). All these years I was under the impression that they had their act together – that they had all the answers and knew what life was all about. My eyebrows are raised in stock shock to recognize the complete opposite. I have learned that these ex-ministers that I now call friend are just as human as I am.  It makes me wonder though, if my new-found... Read more

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