May 9, 2011

Derek Webb wears many hats: Artist, pop theologian, songwriter, agent provocateur. A veteran of the Dove Award-winning, CCM chart-topping band Caedmon’s Call, Derek parted ways for a season in 2003 to chart his own path, releasing a number of albums including Mockingbird, Stockholm Syndrome and Feedback. Spanning genres from rock to folk to electronica and ambient, the content of Derek’s prodigious output has the ability to thrill and aggravate many different constituencies, usually simultaneously. For instance, when he sings about... Read more

May 6, 2011

We’re proud to have John Dear contributing to the Wild Goose Festival, of which he’s said “I don’t know precisely what our goal for Wild Goose is—but I hope it will be to help promote the abolition of war, poverty, nuclear weapons, environmental destruction–and all forms of violence, and so to welcome God’s reign….. [let’s] dream really big!” This week, he looks at how this dream can be made reality in the face of a complex international incident: the U.S. killing... Read more

May 5, 2011

A year after it happened, the disastrous Gulf oil spill is barely heard in the news cycle. But beyond the headlines, the growing community working toward the Wild Goose Festival recognizes that there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to ecological disaster: Beyond BP, beyond failure in technique, is our continued mass consumption of oil. Wild Goose friend Brian McLaren memorably completed a multipart examination of what’s gotten us into this mess and how we can give up... Read more

May 4, 2011

Last week I had the privilege of sharing about the Wild Goose Festival with a wide variety of people in the Atlanta area: Punk Torah, Metro Atlanta Emergence, a KSU professor, and Day1, a nationally syndicated radio show and talk show serving mainline churches. I was able to sit in the studio with host Peter Wallace and share why the Wild Goose is so important to me – and why it just might be important to the future shape of North American... Read more

May 3, 2011

Bowie Snodgrass, Executive Director of Faith House Manhattan, is a key coordinator for our inter-faith friendship track at Wild Goose.  The Christian tradition that gives birth to the Wild Goose Festival hasn’t always been strongest at relating peaceably and with respect among people of different faiths; part of our vision for Wild Goose is that we would explore together how conversations among people from different faith backgrounds can help contribute to peace and the common good. Wild Goose exists at... Read more

May 2, 2011

In ancient times the tabernacle was a temporary and portable place of assembly and worship for people on the move. The tribes of Israel gathered under the belief that in the midst of their mixing, meeting, greeting, camping, feasting and rituals they would encounter the voice and presence of the Creator. When I reflect back on my life so far, many of the most pivotal moments have occurred around tabernacle-like events: a surprising conversation that changed the course of my... Read more

April 28, 2011

The Wild Goose Festival is proud to partner with Thistle Farms, a women-run social entrepreneurial endeavor facilitated by Episcopal priest and sex-abuse survivor Becca Stevens in Nashville. Thistle Farms and their Magdalene program form a  comprehensive relational network that restores and rehabilitates prostitutes seeking change. And yet, that’s not all they aim to change: Magdalene was founded not only to help a subculture of women, but also to help change the culture itself. We stand in solidarity with women who are recovering from... Read more

April 27, 2011

Christine Sine responds to the question: If you were only able to say one thing at a North American creativity, spirituality & justice festival, what would it be? I have a friend who recently became her granddaughter’s guardian.  It is like rediscovering childhood. She is constantly looking, listening and questioning, opening her eyes and ears to the wonder of God’s world.  She senses God’s presence in the song of birds and the whisper of the wind.  Watching a ladybug on a... Read more

April 26, 2011

Wild Tales: Real Stories by Regular Folks Each night of the Wild Goose Festival we will host “Wild Tales: Real Stories by Regular Folks.”  In this homegrown storytelling series six brave souls from the festival community will tell a true story, first person, in twelve minutes or less.  Stories will be based on the evening’s theme and will be interspersed with live music by an eclectic mix of musicians gathered for the night.  The whole thing will be hosted and facilitated by Mark Yaconelli,... Read more

April 25, 2011

It seems that Wild Goose executive director Gareth Higgins is taking a pilgrimage to one of the glorious hearts of theology in the U.S. Along the way he encountered fellow-pilgrims – and Wild Goose contributors – Jay Bakker, Peter Rollins, and Tony Jones. This unholy trinity has concocted a contest to demonstrate which one of them rules the socialmediasphere (humbly, of course): Who among them can move the most Wild Goose tickets in the next 72 hours? To this end, each of them... Read more

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