November 21, 2024

Today as I continued work on my next book manuscript on Lunar Witchcraft, I took a stab at composing a charm of banishing. I propose this poem as a version of The Baneful Rune, mentioned in some versions of the “Rede of the Wiccae.” This chant could be especially useful this upcoming Dark Moon in Sagittarius, on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 1:21 AM EST.  …should you also happen to feel that your personal rights or sovereignty are under attack,... Read more

November 6, 2024

Once more we awaken the day after an American election to find that madness prevailed. Once more I am dismayed, disheartened, and disillusioned by the national descent into depravity. What’s a witch to do when she feels lost in the dark forest? This witch did a tarot card reading for the 67,237,559 voters for Kamala Harris are in mourning today. I posted the video to my Youtube and TikTok channels, and embedded that video below. I’m also demonstrating my Jewel... Read more

September 13, 2024

Have you been looking for the deeper lessons of Modern Witchcraft? Seeking a mentor? or a course of instruction you could trust? Perhaps, you’re seeking friends of like-mind with whom you can share this trip of spiritual awakening you’ve been on. I looked for these mythical guides for nigh on 15 years before I found them. Even then my way was fraught with disappointments. My search began way back in 1991, before the internet existed. So long, and so lonely... Read more

August 29, 2024

Once again, I’m happy to provide my 2025 Wheel of the Year Astrological Calendar for Witches and magickal folks of all stripes. I’ve been hand-drawing these posters for about 9 year now, showing how the seasonal tides integrate with the elemental, lunar, solar and stellar tides. You’ll find the dates of the Sabbats, Full and Dark Moon esbats, lunar and solar eclipses, and lunar pairings and leadership changes all on that poster. The following information is presented within the framework... Read more

March 30, 2024

A bit of witchy poetry that I pulled out of my Elemental Witchcraft manuscript due to length constraints… Enjoy! Seeking the Pentacle Path Seekers who take the witching quest, for truest truths, with powers to test, for treasures sought and love attained, must venture there and back again. You’ll have tales to tell, and scars to tend, but there is wisdom only struggle can wend. The trailhead lies beneath your feet, to sovereignty, truth, power, love and completion, like crossing... Read more

March 21, 2024

The Wind Full Moon in Libra/Aries opposition peaks on Monday, March 25, 2024 (Eastern Timezone 3 am). There is also a Lunar Eclipse during that early witching hour. If you really want to tap the oomph of this moon, work your magick the night before, on Sunday the 24th, after the moon enters Libra at 4:38 pm. Then you can stay up late to watch the show! For this occasion, I dressed and charged these special Lunar Magick Candles with... Read more

February 21, 2024

The Hermetic Law of Compensation speaks of how the old masters would work to lift their Personal Ego into a higher plane as an attempt to escape the swing toward pain. If you can look at your life at a much higher scale of vibration, keeping sight of the greater achievements and benefits that comes with experiencing life’s challenges, then you might avoid much of the drama and trauma that could accompany those lessons. But that is a tall order for the average witch of today, what with all the horror, threat and struggle we all face just to survive in this dominator society. Read more

December 16, 2023

Along my ongoing quest to better understand the patterns of lunar cycles according to zodiacal pairings and Lunar Leadership, my study required a look at the larger patterns of Blue and Black Moons, and how those special triads of lunar events switched the order of Full and Dark moons within pairings. That's when I took the deep dive into the Soli-Lunar Metonic cycle, and the patterns of how the sun and moon align throughout the two calendars. Then I stumbled upon a mysterious future Yule night of 2052, when wyrdness may fall, and the dark lunar goat goes missing... Read more

December 14, 2023

This kind of Lunar Witchcraft might be weird. It names whole lunations by the full moon in the middle, divides dark and new moon into separate phases (making nine total), works the magick of lunar pairings, tracks the trading lunar leadership after blue and black moons, and then noticed the really cool wyrd matter how you slice this moonpie, you begin and end in the same sign as the sun. Read more

December 9, 2023

Allow me to share my recent fascination in lunar magick: celebrating Full Moons in six zodiacal pairings to balance each axis of human consciousness. I'll include some ideas for how to balance the Axis of Identity during the Wind and Blood Moons in Aries and Libra. Read more

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