The Wind Full Moon in Libra/Aries opposition peaks on Monday, March 25, 2024 (Eastern Timezone 3 am). There is also a Lunar Eclipse during that early witching hour. If you really want to tap the oomph of this moon, work your magick the night before, on Sunday the 24th, after the moon enters Libra at 4:38 pm. Then you can stay up late to watch the show! For this occasion, I dressed and charged these special Lunar Magick Candles with Air and Fire blends, perfect for this magick! We still have a few available, and we can ship them within the USA from my shop:

How to use an Aries/Libra Lunar Pairing Candle
Lunar Pairing candles may be burned for moon magick during two lunar cycles each year. Work both sides of the zodiacal Wheel of the Year, for fire/air mysteries, and the Aries/Libra axis of relationships between the Self and others.
Light half of the year, Wind Full Moon: (approx. March 21-April 21) Burn during the fiery, cardinal spring lunation while the sun crosses Aries. The dark moon (conjunct) will ebb in Aries, and the full moon (opposition) will peak in airy Libra.
Dark half of the year, Blood Full Moon (approx. September 21-October 21) Burn again during the airy, cardinal autumn lunation while the sun crosses Libra. The dark moon (conjunct) will ebb in Libra and full moon (opposition) will peak in Aries.
Spell intentions
The sun and moon in Libra and Aries is auspicious for the magick of bold new beginnings, taking action, and self-discovery. Libra, with the aid of planetary Venus, helps one to find the beauty in interrelationships, while Aries’s planetary Mars aids the setting and defending of personal boundaries. Hopefully that can also bring balance to Libra’s needs for karmic justice.
The Axis of Relationship anchored by these two opposing signs lies between defending our personal needs (Aries), with our needs for connection and relationship within our larger community, and the needs of that community as a whole (Libra).

Candle Wrap Artwork by Heron Michelle
I like to draw out my intentions with images, symbols, and words to remind me the purpose of the magickal candles I’m burning. Then I wrap that image around a 7-Day glass sanctuary candle. Each candle is then loaded and anointed during just the right auspicious time, so that those astrological energies become the birth chart and personality of that activated candle.
Loading and Blessing the Candle by Auspicious Timing
I dressed these with my herbal blends of elemental Fire and planetary Mars (Aries), elemental Air and planetary Venus (Libra). These blends were previously prepared at the correct auspicious times. Then I added in some planetary Moon oil and rainbow moonstone for good measure. Each blend contains the stones, plants, resins, and essential oils that are magickally potent for this Aries/Libra lunation. Vegetable-based dye in red and yellow were added for visual effect while the wax is liquid – it looks like a drop of blood is rolling around in there, which I think is pretty cool.
I recently added my own preparations of my elemental incense for sale at The Sojourner as part of our line of small-package spellcraft herbs and materials, should you not be a DIY witch. For those who are, those recipes and instructions may be found in my book: “Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements.”
Aries/Libra Lunation: Charm of Making
This is the charm of making I wrote for the charging of these candles to their purpose. Each time I relight the candle, I repeat the appropriate stanza 3 times. For the current lunation, that is the first stanza. This chant continues the magickal charge.
Sun in Aries, Mars commands
Cardinal swings to Spring’s demands.
Dark Aries Moon, Full Libra Wind
Spark of Self, Justice defend.
So Mote it be!
Sun in Libra, Venus reigns
Cardinal sings of Autumn’s pains.
Full Aries Blood, Dark Libra Moon
Balanced in beauty, with others commune.
So Mote it be!
You can watch the video of this candle’s creation, here!
Wishing you all Ostara’s Cardinal Springtime blessings and the Wind Moon’s empowerment this eclipse cycle!
Bright Blessings,
Heron Michelle
April 5-7, 2024 I’ll be presenting and vending at The Magical Marketplace and Psychic Fair in Boxborough, Massachusetts! I’ll have these candle wrap stickers and plenty of my books with me. Will I see you there?