Because War is S.O.P. on Planet Earth

Because War is S.O.P. on Planet Earth April 6, 2011

The sword shall begin with his cities and end by consuming his solitudes. Because they refused to repent, their own counsels shall devour them. (Hosea 11:6)

You may not have noticed that people are being killed in a war in a little country called the Ivory Coast. You noticed the insurrection in Egypt, though. And you noticed the cruise missiles raining down on Libya, because you started paying $4.00 a gallon for gas pretty quickly thereafter.

Golly, you may be thinking, when will it ever get peaceful again?

Again!? Are you nuts? It’s never been peaceful here on planet Earth. Not since “the Fall,” anyway. S.O.P. in the title above means “Standard Operating Procedure.” Don’t believe me? Then just step into my time machine and I’ll show you.

That’s right. I have a time machine and nobody else can use it! Not Mark Shea especially!

That’s not true though because the good folks over at Conflict History want lots of people to use it too. They have a beta site up and running for their Conflict History Timeline. The subtitle? “Browse the Timeline of War and Conflict Across the Globe.” Even Mark can use it…but I found it first!

It may not be pretty, but this timeline is pretty awesome. This we’ll get you started in the 1982-2011 time period. As you can see, the world is on fire!  That’s been the case pretty much since Cain killed Abel.

Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed, kindle in the hearts of all men the true love of peace, and guide with Your pure and peaceable wisdom those who make decisions for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility Your kingdom may go forward, till the earth be filled with the knowledge of Your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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