Good Pro-Life News From Memphis!

Good Pro-Life News From Memphis! October 19, 2011

Image credit: Mike Brown

And “bad news” for Planned Parenthood. Tears of joy from Christ Community Health Services practice administrator Shantelle Leatherwood! The Memphis Commercial Appeal reports,

The Shelby County Commission voted 9-4 Monday in favor of giving a contract to local nonprofit group Christ Community Health Services to provide family-planning services for poor people.

The vote was a setback for Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region, which currently has a temporary county contract and protested the proposed switch to Christ Community. The contract focused on family planning, but abortion was an underlying issue. Planned Parenthood performs abortions; Christ Community does not.

“It is about abortion. That’s why so many people are here,” said Jeff Drzycimski, a Catholic deacon and one of several abortion opponents who spoke at Monday’s commission meeting. “We want our tax dollars not to fund Planned Parenthood, not to fund the killing of children.”

Read the rest of the story here. The Susan B. Anthony List adds further that,

The vote was a setback for Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region, which currently has a temporary county contract and protested the proposed switch to Christ Community. That means that—thanks to the hard work of pro-life Tennesseans who have been working to stop Planned Parenthood for years—Tennessee has completely defunded Planned Parenthood. It also means that our Scoreboard is now up to $61 million tax dollars stripped from Planned Parenthood so far this year by nine states.

Bravo Zulu, Memphis!

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