Irony Alert! Ron Paul Press Release Misses Obvious

Irony Alert! Ron Paul Press Release Misses Obvious April 13, 2012

Our hero since 1988…

Need more proof that Ron Paul is Cyber Monday (huge on the internet, but small in the ballot box)? Just check out the latest press release from his campaign HQ. But whatever you do, DO NOT click on the links they provided to Rasmussen in an attempt to verify their claim.

Despite the fact that this man has won no states in any of the Republican primaries, they declare the following…




LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul again polls better against President Barack Obama in a head-to-head matchup than establishment-choice moderate Mitt Romney, according to a poll released today from Rasmussen.

The poll notes that in a general election matchup, the 12-term Congressman from Texas edges out Obama by 1 percentage point, 44 to 43 percent. The survey also notes that in a hypothetical 2012 head-to-head, Obama and Romney are tied at 45 percent, which bodes poorly for Republicans being urged to believe the race is over, only to later experience buyer’s remorse.

The poll also finds that this far into Obama’s first term, 40 percent of voters respond that they “strongly disapprove” and 27 percent “strongly approve” of his performance.  With a Presidential Approval Index of -13 points, it is noteworthy that some Republicans are seemingly settling on a candidate no more popular than the President, suggesting an establishment liberal Democrat is no more popular than a establishment liberal Republican.  The Rasmussen poll may be prescient in showing a general election scenario of confusion among voters over which candidate has the least liberal record.

“Now that other candidates presenting themselves as the ‘conservative’ alternative to Mitt Romney have stepped aside, the numbers are clear.  Ron Paul is the only conservative able to garner the enthusiasm, resources, and votes required to win in November.  Voters perceive the contrast, and are ready to elect the candidate who will end the status quo and Restore America Now,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

Rasmussen’s daily tracking results are collected from 1,500 Likely Voters and have a +/- 3 percentage point error margin.  To view the poll release online, click here.

Ahem, instead, the results looks like a pretty good pitch for Romney to me.

In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, Mitt Romney earns 48% of the vote, while President Obama attracts 44%. That’s Romney’s biggest advantage in over a month. Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern.

Heh.  But what do I know? Ron Paul OWNS the internet market. Look how many Facebook shares that post received. This is starting to remind me of the folks who followed Harold Camping when the Rapture failed to show up. And putting your hope in a single polling organization? Talk to the hand.

When he leaves the race for the Republican nomination, it will be similar to how folks felt when Rick Santorum gave up the fight. The real Obi-Wan explains…

Bold prediction: Ron Paul, despite counting on all the voters from the internet, as numerous as they seem, will not be the next President of the United States. Cyber Monday is huge, but all the real dough is still spent on Black Friday.

Remember Alderaan!

UPDATE: This seems pretty unlikely to me.

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