Pope Francis Is Just Like Us (Exhibit # 742: He Renews His Argentine Passport)

Pope Francis Is Just Like Us (Exhibit # 742: He Renews His Argentine Passport) February 18, 2014

You know how when your passport, or your drivers license, comes up for renewal, and you go through all the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo to get it renewed? So does Pope Francis. But unlike you and me, see, when Pope Francis renews his passport, it’s headline news.

I like the dead pan expression here though, don’t you? Somehow, it speaks volumes to me.

“You want me to look serious? Okay. Here’s my serious.”

Unlike you and me though (and I know this is kind of a downer), the bureaucrats came to Pope Francis, you see. A bureaucratic house call, the likes of which you and I will never see. ABC News has the blurb, while a host of other wire services jumped all over this “story” too.

Mind you, Pope Francis is doing things, and saying things, that the press isn’t reporting on too. Like saying that jealousy, envy and gossip divide and destroy Christian communities, and exhorting us to resist temptation by listening to Jesus’s Word. But the press skips over all that stuff. Of course, those types of actions put meat on the bones of il Papa’s witness to the world.

Big media loves the fluff of Pope Francis, while they assiduously avoid the meat of his message.

Thank God we don’t rely on them for all the news that’s fit to print, eh?

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