June 15, 2016

Back when he was a freshly minted United States Marine. Photo: Courtesy of Imran Yousuf

Another kid from New York was in the nightclub that turned into a killing zone early Sunday morning. His name is Yousef, and he saved a lot of lives.

The Marine Corps Times published his story, but his New York connections are fleshed out in this article by the Times Union, out of Albany. Also, this person is related to me. Have a look, (more…)

June 14, 2016

Gilbert Keith Chesterton died on this day in 1936.  A few years back, I had no idea about this fact for several reasons. A) I don’t know everything; B) he isn’t an official saint, so there is no feast day on the calender; C) he died long before I was born.

But I can truthfully say that one of the reasons why I am Catholic today is because of G.K. Chesterton. (more…)

June 1, 2016

“Sure, I said that. But do you know what I really meant by that?”

Yesterday, I was taking my afternoon break from work. I wandered through the little park near my office, and on to a little bench that had WiFi reception from one of the little restaurants in the square. I was checking in with the world, see, and wanted to send a picture of some flowers to my wife.

That’s when Caleb showed up with his heavily highlighted Bible, and asked me if I had a few minutes to talk about Jesus.

I reckon the other folks around weren’t as engrossed in their smartphones as I was, so I was the better target? Maybe. I said, “sure,” interested in where this encounter was going to go. (more…)

May 14, 2016

St. Josemaría Escrivá, photograph by Jebulon (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this message brought to you by The Church Triumphant. Standby for a brief message from St. Jose Maria Escriva, live from the Communion of Saints… (more…)

August 13, 2015

Benjamin West - Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant
“Benjamin West – Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant – Google Art Project” Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

For Christmas, we were given one of those little inspirational calendars. You know the kind. Every day you flip a page over and meet a new quote to great the day with. The person who bought ours got it from a nondenominational Christian community called Kenilworth Union Church. They call the calendar Day by Day, 2015.  (more…)

June 27, 2015

"Jesus Christ and the rich young man," Heinrich Hoffman.
“Marriage? Funny you should ask about that, young man…”*

Hey y’all. Didn’t you know that Jesus didn’t say nothin about homosexuality in the Bible? True story. You ain’t gonna find Our Lord say that particular word nowheres in the Scriptures. It’s like he never heard of that situation. Heck, everbody knows that if Jesus didn’t say it, it don’t exist. Right?

Of course, Jesus said plenty about marriage, and I’m here to tell y’all, it’s damned inconvenient to the spirit of the age nowadays. (more…)

April 30, 2015

A Barbary pirate, Pier Francesco Mola 1650 (public Domain)
A Barbary pirate, Pier Francesco Mola 1650 (Public Domain)

Life got you down? Things perhaps haven’t turned out as you planned? Do you think everyone else has got it so easy? Your neighbors, for example, or those fortunate people who come into a considerable sum of money?

And how about those saintly types? They are simply walking on air, those guys, living lives of complete and blessed beatitude, right?

Hold up! (more…)

March 29, 2015

There was a brutal bear market in the Spring of the year 33 AD. Not in wheat or lamb futures, nor in cloth, or precious metals. This was a bear market of the human soul, and it was experienced acutely by the Disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. (more…)

March 19, 2015


צדיק is the Hebrew word for “righteous,” and it is an adjective that the Gospel of Matthew uses  to describe the foster father of Jesus (though he used the Greek word, δίκαιος). But it means righteous on the level of say a Moses or  an Elijah. In other words, not just a good man, but a really, really, high level, holy man, like those paragons of holiness.

Anglicized, the word is rendered as saddiq or tzadik. Do you recall the gospel reading from last Sunday? (more…)

March 4, 2015

I’ve been reading Giovanni Papini’s Life of Christ some more. My Chinese mentor, John C.H. Wu, introduced this book, and author, to me. You’ve probably never heard of Papini (I sure hadn’t!) but he was a well known author back in the early 20th Century. Come to think of it, that was ’round about the same time G.K. Chesterton was pumping out tons of great stuff from his pen/typewriter too. (more…)

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