May 18, 2015

Here is an example illustrated with a photograph from Joe Six-Pack’s Gearhead Catechism™. The late Fr. John Hardon, SJ, explains it well in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, (more…) Read more

May 14, 2015

Does the name Teilhard de Chardin give you the willies? When you saw it in the title, did you immediately think that heterodox thoughts were about to be served up? No? Perhaps, like me up until a few years ago, you’ve never even heard of the guy. (more…) Read more

May 6, 2015

It’s probably too late, because what’s done is done. But if there is one thing that Catholics have in common with Marines it’s this: we aren’t happy unless we’re bitching about something. So yeah, that playing card inspired logo for the Year of Mercy? Lord, have mercy! (more…) Read more

May 3, 2015

There ain’t one. But…but… Breitbart said one was planned! And I hate Muslims, and anything Islam related! So , since I read about it on the internet, IT MUST BE TRUE! Yeah, well, sorry to disappoint you. That said, you can still pick up some nice lingerie for your sweetie, in a wide array of colors. Probably even in Mecca. Have a nice day. *Photograph belongs to the author. Read more

April 30, 2015

Life got you down? Things perhaps haven’t turned out as you planned? Do you think everyone else has got it so easy? Your neighbors, for example, or those fortunate people who come into a considerable sum of money? And how about those saintly types? They are simply walking on air, those guys, living lives of complete and blessed beatitude, right? Hold up! (more…) Read more

April 29, 2015

  Of course you wouldn’t. Because to hear of such a thing would bring into question the idea that you’ve come to believe. You know, the idea that Muslims are a bloc of jihad mongering zealots. Well, here’s a story I found in the Al-Monitor that torpedoes that tidy little narrative. Take a look, (more…) Read more

April 29, 2015

  Punch it, Chewie! I said punch it, you big hair ball. What’s taking so long? Wait. Let me go take a look out the stern window… (more…) Read more

April 29, 2015

  The incident of liquefaction below was captured on tape back in February, 2010. It reminds me of verse from the Bible I’ve read before, (more…) Read more

April 28, 2015

Today was the day oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges came before the Supreme Court of the United States. The opening statement by Mary Bonauto made it 39 seconds before the questioning by the justices began. (more…) Read more

April 27, 2015

The Beckett Fund For Religious Liberty shares the news, Washington, D.C. – Moments ago, for the sixth time in a row, the Supreme Court took steps to protect another religious objector from the contraceptive mandate. It ordered a lower court to reconsider its ruling that denied a group of Catholic ministries in Michigan the freedom to follow their faith. (more…) Read more

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