This Thanksgiving, Thank God For The Rapture

This Thanksgiving, Thank God For The Rapture November 23, 2011



Thanksgiving is, of course, a time to pig out reflect on all the blessings we have been given during the previous year.

As part of that, many families like to go around the table to let everyone share one thing they’re thankful for.

If your family practices this tradition and some of them are not Christians, then we want to encourage you to take the prompt from this video and let them know you’re thankful that God will zap you into heaven one day, leaving them behind to suffer through the Great Tribulation.

Yes, this video is a little longer than normal, but that’s because it comes with bonus features!

Not only does it comes with a full length, 15 minute video you can give to those heathen relatives to watch after you’ve been raptured (8:50 mark), it also includes a wonderful song you can sing with your family around the dinner table tomorrow!

So, enjoy and happy Thanksgiving!

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