Jesus In Outer Space

Jesus In Outer Space April 9, 2013

Have you ever got sucked down an internet rabbit hole?

Sure, you have. We all have.

It starts with a YouTube video or maybe a Wikipedia article, then another one and another one and another and before you know it hours have flown by because you’ve been sucked down an internet rabbit hole you just couldn’t find your way out of.

Well, that happened with me this morning, except my rabbit hole wasn’t Wikipedia or YouTube.

It was pictures of Jesus in outer space.

It started with this picture.

Jesus wept - original

I saw it on a friend’s computer and had to look it up for myself because, well, it’s just too awesome for words.

Well, that picture of Jesus in space led me to this one….

jesus in spaceApparently Jesus is like Galactus the Devourer and the second coming is when he will return to consume our planet.

Who knew?

Then we have the “he’s got the whole world in his flag draped hands” space Jesus.

jesus in space2I’m sure United Nations Jesus appreciates that one.

Not to be outdone, we’ve also got Jesus, King of Outer Space.

jesusinspace4And Jesus the constellation.

jesus in space3When Jesus isn’t holding the stars in place, he’s apparently looking out his heavenly window waiting patiently for his pet bird to come home.

jesusinspace6Better say your prayers Jesus’ pet bird does comes home, otherwise, he gets really sad…..and crushes half the planet.

jesusinspace7But my favorite Jesus in outer space piece of art has to be this awesome Revelation Jesus motorcycle fuel tank.


I don’t own a motorcycle, but that custom tank really has me thinking about getting one.

Anyway, that was the journey through space with Jesus I experienced this morning.

I hope it blesses you with the same sort of holy procrastination it offered me.

And if it doesn’t, maybe you need to spend some time in serious prayer and contemplation, trying to understand why you can’t appreciate such glorious works of art.


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