Happy Valentine’s Day From Jesus!

Happy Valentine’s Day From Jesus! February 14, 2014

Ah, Valentine’s Day.

That time of the year when way too many Christians forget that love for Jesus and romantic love are two very different things and confusing the two is just awkward and inappropriate.

Of course, awkward and inappropriate has never stopped anyone from doing anything and the same is true for Valentine’s Day and Jesus.

So, to celebrate, here’s just a few of the Valentine’s Day greetings (and a poem!) that simply shouldn’t be.

First up, no he’s not and please stop saying that.

BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFkx2cDE1ajhBM3hHcFplZzloZndSUkEAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQThis image shouldn’t exist ever anywhere for any reason. (Which may account for its terrible quality)

BLANK-viNormally, pictures of Jesus with kids are just cute. But this comes across as just awkward…and maybe a little creepy.

Jesus ValentineSpeaking of awkward, here’s a Valentine’s love poem to Jesus.

Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 11.06.25 AM

Worst. Christian Candy. Ever.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

And last, but not least, here’s one I actually love.


(Found Here)

If you come across any awkward Jesus Valentine’s Day greetings today, or have a favorite that’s not shown here, share it with me in the comments!


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