The 2018 American Jesus Madness Champion Is….

The 2018 American Jesus Madness Champion Is…. March 26, 2018

Your 2018 American Jesus Madness champion is….


And the outcome was never really in doubt.

Well, that’s not exactly true.

Personally, I never expected #ChurchToo to get anywhere close to the championship. The competition this year just seemed too tough. But once it got rolling, #ChurchToo steamrolled the competition blowing out opponents left and right before setting a record for the largest margin of victory in American Jesus Madness championship history.

#ChurchToo didn’t just beat Donald Trump Mulligans. It demolished Donald Trump Mulligans by a whopping 92% to 8% margin.

Not to be outdone, our 2018 American Jesus Madness bracket champion also crushed the competition.

Winning for the second time in just the past 3 years, Richard McNeeley won with 168 points – 68 points higher than his next closest competitor.

So congrats to Richard on once again securing internet immortality!

And congrats to #ChurchToo for taking the American Jesus Madness crown this year. Here’s hoping its imaginary victory here turns into a victory in real life with churches stepping up as advocates for the victims of sexual assault in our midst by holding church leaders accountability when they betray the sacred trust they been given.

Man, American Jesus Madness was truly mad this year.

More mad than I’ve seen it in a while…which is really saying something.

Maybe things will get better in the coming year.

And maybe not.

Either way, American Jesus Madness will be back next year to welcome you once again into its loving, crazy embrace.

Thanks as always to every single person who voted and/or shared the tournament with your friends and an especially big thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out a bracket and enter into the bracket challenge. You guys are what makes this thing worth doing and I genuinely appreciate all of your support.

See you next year!

Well, I mean, I’ll see you for American Jesus Madness next year.

I’ll be back to blogging later this week.

But you know what I mean.


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