How Hancock Helped Ware Hold It Together

How Hancock Helped Ware Hold It Together April 17, 2013

In the middle of the worst sports injury ever captured on television, a brother emerged. When Kevin Ware’s teammate, Luke Hancock, saw his friend lying on the floor with six inches of bone protruding from his skin, he felt sick and numb like the rest of America. But then Hancock collected himself and rushed to Ware’s side. Hancock held Ware’s hand and told him that they’d get through this together.

Ware didn’t respond at first. He was in shock. So Hancock simply squeezed Ware’s hand and started praying. “Lord, watch over us and let Kevin be okay during this tough time,” he prayed. And then he told his injured friend, “The Lord does everything for a reason, and He will get us through this.” After the prayer, Hancock continued to pat his friend’s chest, telling him that he’d make it through this injury. The two stayed together until they took Ware off the court.

Proverbs 17:17 states, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” This is a hard life–a life in which the bone breaks through the skin at times–and the only way we’re going to survive it is if we have a few close brothers to take our hand and pray with us when the hurt comes. Ware can attest to this truth. Before Hancock was with him, Ware was afraid. But once Ware showed up, he calmed down. Ware sensed that he’d be ok. “Seeing Luke there…really just touched my heart.”

Ware returned to the team’s locker room after surgery. The two friends connected again. Hancock said“You could see on my face and on his face that we were just so happy to see each other. He gave me a hug and said he was so thankful I was there for him. I told him I knew he’d do the same for me. That’s my friend.”


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