BREAKING: The Mars Hill Church Organization Will Be Dissolved by January 1, 2015

BREAKING: The Mars Hill Church Organization Will Be Dissolved by January 1, 2015 October 31, 2014

In a letter from Dave Bruskas to Mars Hill Church posted on the church’s website, a plan for making all Mars Hill sites independent and dissolving the centralized organization was announced today: 

The decision to plant independent, self-governed churches has significant ramifications for the existing Mars Hill Church entity. Our central staff members, who have served and labored so faithfully, have already begun work on establishing many of the details to enact this plan, under the following general priorities:

(1) All of Mars Hill’s existing church properties will either be sold, or the loans on the individual properties will be assumed by the independent churches, subject to approval by the lender; (2) all central staff will be compensated for their work, and then released from their employment; (3) if any funds remain after the winding down and satisfaction of Mars Hill business affairs, they will be gifted as seed money to the newly independent churches, then, (4) the existing Mars Hill Church organization will be dissolved.

Ultimately, the success of this plan, and the future viability of each of these new local churches rest solely on all of us continuing to be faithful in supporting Jesus’ mission through our attendance and continued giving.

In my opinion, this was the only right decision for a church organization with such a troubled history. It will allow for a truly new start, free from the arrogant defense of the old institution, and for the deep healing process to commence.

The elder team has done well here. Grace and peace to all at Mars Hill.

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