Who Do You Think You Are?

Avidya is a deep habit of consciousness, but it's a habit that we can shift—with intention, practice, and a lot of help from the universe. Any moment that causes us to question our assumptions about reality has the potential to lift our veils. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra on avidya is not just a description of the problem of ignorance. It's also the key to the solution.

When you pull back and question the things you think are eternal and permanent, you begin to recognize the wondrous flux that is your life. When you ask, "What's the real source of happiness?" you extend your focus beyond the external trigger to the feeling of happiness itself. And when you seek to know the difference between the false self and the true one, that's when the veil might come off altogether, and show you that you're not just who you take yourself to be, but something much brighter, much vaster, and much more free.

6/6/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Hindu
  • Meditation for Life
  • Awareness
  • Avidya
  • Sacred Texts
  • Yoga
  • Hinduism
  • Sally Kempton
    About Sally Kempton
    An internationally known teacher of meditation and spiritual wisdom, Kempton is the author of Meditation for the Love of It and writes a monthly column for Yoga Journal. Follow her on Facebook and visit her website at www.sallykempton.com.