Patheos Featured Writers

Patton Dodd

Patton Dodd's writing on religion and culture has appeared in a wide range of publications, including Newsweek, Slate, the Financial Times, Christianity Today, Cineaste, Books & Culture, The Shambhala Sun, and The Revealer. Patton has also taught writing, literature, and film at the United States Air Force Academy and served as senior editor for Beliefnet and contributing editor for Killing the Buddha. He is the author of MY FAITH SO FAR: A Story of Conversion and Confusion (Jossey-Bass). Patton holds a Ph.D. in religion and literature from Boston University.

Works by Patton Dodd
N.T. Wright on how a new reading of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John......
The Best Film I Saw at South by Southwest
Patton Dodd | March 16, 2012
Fear, Disgust, and "The Cabin in the Woods"
Patton Dodd | March 11, 2012
Go Ye Therefore Into Casinos
Patton Dodd | March 10, 2012
The Rule of God and the Whims of History
Patton Dodd | March 07, 2012
In this brief Q and A, Mark Noll explains what the study of the Civil War reveals about......
The long what?
Patton Dodd | January 30, 2012
Rapture Ready
Patton Dodd | November 11, 2011
Aronofsky's Noah Comes to Life
Patton Dodd | October 24, 2011
Roman Polanski and "the dead certainty of doubt"
Patton Dodd | October 04, 2011
Guess who is directing the new Noah movie?
Patton Dodd | October 03, 2011
The Miracle Mammal
Patton Dodd | September 23, 2011
"Dolphin Tale" discovers the line between reality and make-believe -- and encourages us......
"Dolphin Tale" and Angels Unawares
Patton Dodd | September 22, 2011
Vera Farmiga's Fundamentalism
Patton Dodd | September 19, 2011
True Jihad Is True for Everyone
Patton Dodd | September 01, 2011
John Kiser explains how a nineteenth-century Muslim warrior embodied true religion and......
Caste-Aways: Hinduism and Social Discrimination
Patton Dodd | August 30, 2011
Hindu American Foundation's Swaminathan Venkataraman discusses a new report on the......
Miroslav Volf discusses Islam's approach to God and why Christians and Muslims inhabit......
Omar likes "The Night of the Hunter"
Patton Dodd | August 14, 2011
Reading Is Fundamental -- and Fun!
Patton Dodd | August 12, 2011
Can we cultivate good habits of reading in an age of iDistractions? Alan Jacobs says we......
The Doomsday Doubter
Patton Dodd | August 04, 2011
Worried about the state of the world? Sociologist Bradley Wright says you're probably......
This Fall in Religion and Film...
Patton Dodd | August 02, 2011
Is "The Tree of Life" a Christian Film?
Patton Dodd | August 01, 2011
The Confessions of Anders Breivik
Patton Dodd | July 31, 2011
While the commentariat was weighing in on the mind of Anders Behring Breivik, reporters......