
Map of Luxembourg

The country has an area of 999 square miles and a population of 460,000. The country is historically Roman Catholic, and Catholicism remains the predominant faith. According to a 1979 law, the Government may not collect or maintain statistics on religious affiliation; however, the Ministry of Religious Affairs estimates that more than 90 percent of the population is Catholic. The Lutheran and Calvinist churches are the largest Protestant denominations; Anglicans are also present. The local press estimates that there are 9,000 Muslims; 5,000 Orthodox Christians (Greek, Serbian, Russian, and Romanian); and 1,000 Jews. The Baha'i Faith, the Universal Church, and Jehovah's Witnesses are represented in smaller numbers. There is a small Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) community, established in 2000, in Dommeldange.

Population Population (2009 est.) 491,775
Religious Demographics Roman Catholic 87%, other (includes Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim) 13% (2000)
Ethnic Groups Ethnic Groups Luxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3%, other EU 7.3%, other 5.2% (2000 census)
Languages Languages Luxembourgish (national language), German (administrative language), French (administrative language)
Country Flag Flag of Luxembourg