Move over Mickey Mouse: Dr. Larry Burk Lets Magic Happen, too. (AUDIO)

Move over Mickey Mouse: Dr. Larry Burk Lets Magic Happen, too. (AUDIO) November 3, 2015

Are you ready for some healthy magic in your life? Creating it may be as easy as closing your eyes.


Put down your wand Sorcerer’s Apprentice, and meet the new magic in town.

Dr. Larry Burk knows the secret on how to let magic happen, too, and will share it on this radio show. And, the good doctor’s magic is a dream come true that saves lives, one person at a time. Now that is magic that rocks all the way to the Pearly Gates!

Does dreaming your magic to create your miracles sound too simple to be true?

Would you believe it more if you were told there was a study by a Radiologist that was recently published in a medical journal and the Huffington Post that proves dreams:

  • do come true

  • can diagnose your life and illness

  • are magical doorways to Universal Information on your health

  • are messages from your Higher Power during times of crisis to help you

  • are phone lines by which passed-over loved ones can return to warn you of serious health issues, proving love is something you can take with you and survives death

Dr. Larry Burk was a guest on the Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Radio Show on Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod TV/Radioand shared his groundbreaking research on Dreams that Diagnose Breast Cancer. (The show link is available at the end of the blog)

Dr. Larry Burk’s research was recently published in a leading medical journal and in the Huffington Post. Thetwo links are posted at the bottom of this article.

In the interview Dr. Burk talks about how research has always been a big part of his professional life.

He begins his story in his hometown at the University of Pittsburgh where he did his medical school and radiology residency training. Dr. Burk was fortunate enough to get in on the ground floor of MRI just as it began to flourish in 1985. He pursued research in MRI of the shoulder at Thomas Jefferson University after doing a musculoskeletal fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, eventually leading to the first study of MRI in professional baseball players with the Philadelphia Phillies.

After this very conventional beginning, Dr. Burk was unexpectedly launched into a multifaceted adventure into holistic healing in 1987. It was prompted by a perfect storm of events that included:

  • his father being diagnosed with metastatic renal cancer,

  • discovering his first metaphysical bookstore,

  • joining the national MRI safety committee to address concerns about claustrophobic patients

  • the health effects of electromagnetic fields

  • interest in hypnosis and acupuncture,

  • taking his first hypnosis training in 1990

  • exploring alternative cancer therapies for his dad

The next stop on the journey was private practice in Virginia Beach where he was introduced to the Edgar Cayce material and medical intuition.

Experiences with a number of talented intuitives caused a significant paradigm shift in my worldview, and in 1993 I moved to Durham, home of my alma mater, Duke University, and the Rhine Research Center, formerly the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory. 

Dr. Larry Burk took a job as section head of musculoskeletal radiology at Duke and pursued parapsychology research in intuitive diagnosis, eventually becoming a founding member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and Rhine board president for a year.

Upon arriving at Duke I discovered a number of like-minded colleagues and started the Mind-Body Medicine Study Group. The deaths of one of those friends and my father led me down a spiritual rabbithole into the world of dreams and shamanic journeying, including a healing encounter with my first power animal, the jaguar. Led by these unusual forms of guidance I co-founded the Duke Center for Integrative Medicine in 1998, became the education director and took the UCLA Acupuncture Course for Physicians. I left full-time radiology and began to practice acupuncture along with hypnosis and dreamwork at a variety of clinics at Duke.

Through a series of magical synchronicities in 2004 Dr. Larry Burk was guided to leave Duke:

  • to set up Healing Imager, PC,

  • to offer consulting services in MRI musculoskeletal radiology for NationalRad

  • and in EFT and hypnosis for Oriental Health Solutions, LLC.

  • became a Certified Energy Health Practitioner through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology in 2010

  • and was certified in hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in 2011.

After telling stories about all these healing adventures for many years, I was finally inspired to publish Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist in 2012. Along the way the journey has continued to unfold in mysterious ways. “

Dreamwork has expanded as a focus inspiring Dr. Larry Burk to do a research project on women who have warning dreams about their breast cancers before diagnosis.

What does the future hold for Dr. Larry Burk? Another book that goes beyond dreams that diagnose breast cancer in women to include dreams that diagnose many illnesses in patients worldwide.

Have you ever had a health déjà vu or did your precognitive healing dream come true?

We invite you to share it with us on:

So, what is Dr. Larry Burks big secret to letting magic happen? Just that; Let it happen. Don’t force it.

Miracles are magic made in heaven that manifests on earth, and often uses dreams as sacred doorways to you.

Dr. Larry Burk was a guest on the Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Show (Click to Listen)

Dr. Larry Burk’s Published Research: (Click to Read)

Huffington Post- Explore Medical Journal- 4 EXPLORE May/June 2015, Vol. 11, No. 3


ABOUT THE GUEST: Dr. Burk works in both conventional teleradiology and integrative health coaching. He consults two days a week at Oriental Health Solutions, LLC, in Durham, NC and also holds experiential workshops by appointment. To make an appointment, please call 919-286-9595. Learn more about Dr. Larry Burk and connect with him @

ABOUT THE HOST/AUTHOR: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos believes your dreams can diagnose your life. Kat is a TV Producer/Host and Author/Lecturer of the award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Learn more @


(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

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