Dreams of Love and The Cat That Came Back to Play-VLOG

Dreams of Love and The Cat That Came Back to Play-VLOG August 18, 2016

Have you ever had a loved one or a pet visit you in your dreams either to give you a warning or to let you know that life after death is a wonderful transition? How do you know the dream is not just wishful thinking? The answer is the very personal validation you get in your waking world.

In this video blog known as a VLOG guest Stephanie Bouchard shares two very different yet equally amazing Dreams-of-Love with us on the Kat Kanavos Show. We also discuss the importance of pets and healing, including Pet Rocks. Yes, pet rocks! They had their place in people’s hearts and college dorm rooms. It was the perfect answer to institutions that did not even allow goldfish. Remember the Pet Rock Cemeteries? Yeah, people love to love.

The first dream is a precognitive dream about her grandfather’s death that saves her life. The second is a message of love from her beloved cat that “came back” to play.

The night before her grandfather’s wake Stephanie had a dream that warned she would hit black-ice during the drive home from the wake. In the dream, she was reassured that everything would be alright because her grandfather would take care of her. Sure enough, driving home the next night after her grandfather’s wake she hit the black ice on a frozen Maine road and her car spun out of control and headed toward the lane of oncoming traffic.

What Stephanie did next both calmed and stunned her. Rather than fighting the wheel of the car she remembered the dream, let go of the wheel, covered her eyes with her hands and trusted in the belief that she would be fine. Her waking incident played out exactly as it had in the dream the night before and Stephanie survived to tell us the details in this video interview.

How often have we wondered where our pets have gone after they died? Are pets allowed in heaven? Do they just-Poof-disappear like a puff of smoke? Twelve hours after Stephanie had to euthanize her beloved cat of nineteen years, she appeared to Stephanie in a dream and they played together, just like they did when she was alive and well. In the dream, the cat was running around, joyous, and Stephanie chased her laughing. Stephanie felt her cat was telling her in the dream that she was okay. The pain was gone.

Our dreams can help us feel better about difficult decisions we must make in life, like putting a pet to sleep. But one thing is certain; your dreams are sacred doorways that allow you to connect with the-other-side and doorways through which our loved ones can also return to tell us they love us.

Click the LINK to Watch The Kat Kanavos Show : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVNIZFboqTA

About the Guest: Stephanie Bouchard is a Maine-based freelance writer and editor specializing in the healthcare and pet industries. She is also the author of “The Lap-Reluctant Cat,” a gift book for cat lovers.

image2.pngAbout the Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International multi-award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, Show Host on New Earth International, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Internationally Syndicated Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.KathleenOkeefeKanavos.comhttp://www.patheos.com/blogs/aboveandbeyondthe5senses/



Picture credit- the pictures are from the author’s Kat Kanavos Show Video.


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