Body Intelligence: A New Paradigm (VIDEO INTERVIEW)

Body Intelligence: A New Paradigm (VIDEO INTERVIEW) July 13, 2017

Poster Dr. Mayfield

Are you walking through life relying on rational thinking and half-baked ideas as our guide? You have been blessed with much more than just a brain. You have body intelligence.

Are you in touch with your “bodymind” function?

The Nautilus Award winning book Body Intelligence: A New Paradigm
is a clear and refreshing book that may help you get out of the old rut of thinking only with your brain.

But, isn’t that what our brains are for? “Not so!” says Dr. Mayfield.

Dr. Mayfield has cracked the code on the mysteries of how the body and mind (actually a bodymind) function together. It is as if they are one organ rather than two separate parts of our body.

Embrace a new old paradigm in self-awareness and thought.

Dr. John L. Mayfield’s work published in his book Body Intelligence: A New Paradigm is the winner of the prestigious Nautilus Book Award in Body, Mind, Spirit.

Dr. John  bk


In this rare video interview Dr. Mayfield discusses in depth:

  1.  ) his “bodymind code”
  2. .) how he cracked the code
  3. .) And why he felt compelled to share the code with the world in his book.

“Body Intelligence will help us get out of the old rut of thinking only with our brain.”

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 3000 years of experience has remained one of the many fascinating areas in ancient Chinese culture. It is believed to have been practiced as early as 475 to 221 BC and is documented in the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine.

Elements theory is used to interpret the relationship between the physiology and pathology of the human body.


Dr. Mayfield explains how the Chinese “five element” physiology is different from western medical physiology and why this knowledge is a key to cracking the bodymind code.

Like Yin Yang theory, and Six Qi theory, Five Element theory is one of the very early, and still one of the very core, concepts of traditional Chinese medicine. The five elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. These five elements are basically a man-made system designed to help us understand natural processes and relationships. Each element has a series of correspondences that guide the practitioner in understanding which relationships are at play.

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Dr. Mayfield mixes his extensive research on this ancient knowledge with modern medicine for a new paradigm in complete healing of the mind, body, and soul; “bodymind.” And, in the process, Dr. John Mayfield “cracks the code.”

Learn more about Dr. John L. Mayfield and his scientific work @






Photo credit: Poster is the property of the author Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

Book cover and author photo used with Dr. Mayfield’s permission.

About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, three-time cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness as seen on NBC News & Dr. Oz, TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™Kat KanavosShow, Patheos, Quora, Medium, Internationally Syndicated  Columnist, Nautilus Award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and inner guidance. Contributing author to Chicken Soup for the

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