Changes Are Coming

Changes Are Coming September 13, 2015

SMUDGESPACE (1)September 13th at 2:41 am EDST we welcomed September’s New Moon.  This New Moon is also combined with a SOLAR ECLIPSE, which makes it an extra-powerful wishing  Moon.  Visiting the sign of VIRGO, this moon is especially helpful for long term goals connected to pragmatic and practical thinking, such as career, money, improving relationships, and helping/starting a charity. Since this moon is in Virgo, you may feel frustrated, stressed and second guessing yourself today, but you must push that aside. This is a good day to clean the house, declutter the closets and most of all wash the cobwebs from your wishes and dreams. WISHES: Hand write 10 wishes down in a journal and then write your New Moon check. NEW MOON CHECK: 1.) Within 24 hours after a New Moon – take a check (or print one out on the computer) and write your name on the Pay To line. 2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.” 3.) On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.” Don’t put the squiggly line after it – some say this takes away from the wish. 4.) Sign the check: “The Law of Abundance” 5.) Under the signature line, write “Thank You” or “So Be It” or whatever gratitude you feel. 5.) Leave the date blank. 6.) Put it in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there. I keep in in my journal and staple it to my wishes/dreams. 7.) Some people like to sign the back of the check as if you are cashing it in.

September 17th we welcome (?) in Mercury Retrograde for a few weeks. The easiest way to deal with Mercury Retrograde is to think of it as a ‘re’ time. Meaning, it is time to renovate, renew, revise, return, revisit, refinance, renegotiate, review, etc. When buying things during this time, they often work for a short period and then break. When getting a job at this time, it is often short term (it doesn’t mean you get fired, it can also mean you get promoted!). When purchasing a house or a big ticket item, be prepared for issues. To put it in a nutshell, it isn’t a great time to make big changes, huge commitments, or have ‘the talk’ with a romantic partner. Instead is a time to look in the past (review) at what you need to let go of, it can be material or emotional, and correct it for a better future. Sort of like set up for the party, but don’t invite anybody yet. It isn’t a grand time to start anything new, unless it is something you can say you are re-newing. It does ask for you to look in the mirror at yourself, pulling out the rearview mirror even, and seeing what demons you have carried with you through the years – and then doing an exorcism. We all need practice in patience and although most of us all hate lessons, this is one you don’t need to study for.  Release and grow. There’s been a lot of buzz about September 23rd and the following BLOOD MOON on September 27th. Many believe that the end of times is coming, if not the end. This FULL MOON is the nearest SUPER MOON of the entire year. So…why are so many on edge?

  1. Super Moons tend to bring about drastic physical effects, specifically to the tides. We see many volcano eruptions , earthquakes, and crazy weather patterns.
  2. Add in Mercury Retrograde, which often reminds us that we should’ve paid attention to history and it amplifies the unstable energy.
  3. The Pope visits Sept. 23 – 25 – Pope Francis visits the USA on Sept. 23-25. He is the 266th pope meeting with Obama on the 266th day of the year and 266 days is the average term of gestation for a human birth. Many have speculated that something will be birthed on this day.
  4. Prediction that a Meteor or Comet will hit the Atlantic Ocean Causing a Tsunami.
  5. Day of Atonement
  6. About 100 other miscellaneous predictions.

Instead of the end of the world, I see it as the end for old thought patterns and habits that just aren’t working, and time for new beginnings. And it begins today. It’s time to get very clear what you want in your life. I know that I’ve been doing a lot of purging as of late and that theme will continue for the remainder of the month. Clean it up. Sweep it up and out.

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Kristy Robinett is an intuitive, life coach and author of several books. She is a mom and wife who loves farmhouses, front porches, iced tea and old cemeteries. Find Kristy at

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