Playing in the Light

Playing in the Light May 19, 2009

We had yet another glorious sunset over Missoula last night. Julie and I sat in meditation, each taking peeks out toward the brilliant yellow-purple-blue sky. By the time we made it to an area to photograph it, most of the brilliance had faded (a good lesson in not grasping or trying to capture every beautiful moment in photos). But as the light grew thinner we were treated to a rare (for Missoula) show of lightning on the horizon and an eerie, thin streak of brilliant light.

Back at her place, with wine, bread and oil-and-vinegar, we set out chairs on her porch in anticipation of a bit of a storm rolling in (both having grown up under lightning and thunder-filled skies and missing that electricity-in-the-air feeling).

But, alas, somehow these great storms seem to die out as they roll into our valley. So we were treated only to some light rain and winds. Another lesson in anticipation and craving…

But we made the best of our potential disappointments: enjoying the calm evening walk to and from our photographic perch and later savoring our simple, delicious foods and conversation.

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