Is Bryce Harper Hated Because He is A Mormon?

Is Bryce Harper Hated Because He is A Mormon? August 27, 2013

Ok, that is not really the question at hand. The panel at Post Sports Live from The Washington Post took at look at whether Bryce Harper with the Washington Nationals was getting hit by pitches because he is hated.

Bryce Harper



At the Henrichsen home, we really like Bryce Harper. He is one Shem’s heroes. The fact that Harper is from Las Vegas is the first thing Shem mentioned when Lyndee got the offer to come and teach here.

Are players like Harper being targeted by pitchers? Maybe this is just part of the game of baseball.

Bryce Harper is young superstar. I can easily see how he might be viewed as cocky. Heck, he deserves to be cocky!

Oh, and asking if Bryce is hated because he is a Mormon is clearly a clown question. I know. I know.








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