Sunday Afternoon Session Open Thread: Sister Frances Monson Memorial Edition. #ldsconf #twitterstake

Sunday Afternoon Session Open Thread: Sister Frances Monson Memorial Edition. #ldsconf #twitterstake October 6, 2013

This morning, President Thomas S. Monson spoke about his wife Sister Frances Monson. She passed away shortly after the last General Conference. I want to dedicate this thread to her and Pres. Monson.

Please join us in the comments! All are welcome.

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Elder Quentin L. Cook:

Spiritual Bondage and subjection

Ideological or political beliefs inconsistent with Church doctrine are a form of bondage.

Elder Neil Anderson

Ordinances invite us to increased faith.

Talk mostly about the priesthood order. (sorry, I am a bit slow to note taking here)

“Whatever your situation, your home will be bless by priesthood power.”

Elder David M. McConkie

Speaking to the teachers of the Church.

“You must not teach your own opinions or ideas.”

Personal spiritual preparation is the key.

An emphasis on teaching students, rather than just repeating well worn stories.

Elder Kevin Scott Hamilton:

Attending our Sunday meetings as a version of holding to the rod.

Elder Adrián Ochoa

Don’t forget to look up. Watch for the signs of the times.

Elder Terence M. Vinson:

Members of the Church are entitled to a spiritual witness.

We do not need to rely on our own strength.

Christ is always near.

Elder Russell M. Nelson:

Revere human life, in each of its many stages.

President Monson:

Wrapping up Conference with a hearty farewell.

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