4 Myths about Religion and Science being Mutually Exclusive: Part 1

4 Myths about Religion and Science being Mutually Exclusive: Part 1 February 7, 2018

Myth#2. Educated people are not religious/Educated people are mostly atheists or agnostics.

If you feel these famous scientists are the things of past (and I am not sure if I would understand that logic), the recent surveys would help dispel this myth that “scientists are not religious” or “most scientists are atheists”.

A 2012 Worldwide study by WIN/Gallup International (“A Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism”) of over 58,000 people had the following findings related to the subject. [1]

  • Of the most highly educated people (university level)- 52% are “religious”, 24% considered themselves “not a religious person” and 19% as “convinced” atheists”. So yes, this study also showed that people with lower levels of education were more likely to be ‘religious” than those more highly educated, the data clearly shows that among the most highly educated, “religious” people still outnumber atheists, agnostics and “none” COMBINED.

A Pew Research Center study from 2009 stated the following.

Despite instances of hostility toward religion and high levels of disbelief in the scientific community, however, science and religion have often operated in tandem rather than at cross-purposes.

Indeed, throughout much of ancient and modern human history, religious institutions have actively supported scientific endeavors. For centuries, throughout Europe and the Middle East, almost all universities and other institutions of learning were religiously affiliated, and many scientists, including astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and biologist Gregor Mendel (known as the father of genetics), were men of the cloth. Others, including Galileo, physicist Sir Isaac Newton and astronomer Johannes Kepler, were deeply devout and often viewed their work as a way to illuminate God’s creation.

The Pew data from a poll of scientists from American association of the Advancement of Science DID find that this group was less likely than general American public to believe in God or a higher power. However the poll showed that 51% of these scientists do believe in God/ a higher power- much more than you might have been led to believe.

It is also important to remember that this was a poll of a specific group of scientists, not ALL scientists in America.

Next Post: I will address the following myths.

  • Scripture is anti- science
  • Science is anti-religion

[1] https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/isaac_newton_737902

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