December 2, 2005

It’s about time. Evidently, administration sources say Cheney’s role in formulating policy is over. “Cheney’s influence has waned not only because of bad chemistry, but because the White House no longer formulates policy,” another source said. Any astrologer could have predicted that bad chemistry, it is clear from looking at the two men’s charts. However, Bush’s need for adulation (three planets in Leo and Leo rising) combined with his need to feel important (Sun square Jupiter) makes him a target... Read more

December 2, 2005

Mercury is “stationary direct” today, meaning it has slowed down to a near stop before making its turn into forward motion tomorrow evening. Because astrology views planets from our perspective on earth, occasionally the planets appear to be moving backwards, and this is what we call “retrograde.” My clients have heard me compare the effect that the movement of the planets have on us to a car (called transits) to a loud boombox that drives down your street. You start... Read more

December 1, 2005

Bark Bark Woof Woof has an interesting post today comparing Bush’s speech to the troops yesterday with Nixon’s speech in 1969 about fighting the war in Vietnam. Read more

December 1, 2005

Each month I post an article describing the planetary dance for that month, and December’s now up on my site. Read more

November 30, 2005

Sometime soon I’ll post a link to a new article about Pluto’s travel through Sagittarius, which is about two-thirds completed. Pluto is all about destruction and transformation, and in Sagittarius Pluto has been creating havoc in the religious arena. Meanwhile, the Green Knight’s posts today are all about the conflicts (Pluto) that are erupting over religious ideas (Sagittarius), beginning with a great tale of the current “War on Christmas” in a suburban neighborhood and moving on to Bill O’Reilly’s paranoid... Read more

November 30, 2005

Scorpio dislikes superficiality, and Mercury in Scorpio dives deep into the underworld to expose the dark underside of events and our own psyche. As Mercury passes back through Scorpio, lots of secrets are coming out into the open. For example, Jill writes about the exposure of Randy Cunningham that is the tip of the domino that is the Abramoff fiasco. Hundreds of Alito’s papers were released today revealing the passionate opinions that lie behind that mild-mannered facade. European investigators will... Read more

November 29, 2005

Blow a candle out for everyone’s favorite fake news anchor, Jon Stewart! To me, Jon Stewart is the most trusted name in news, fake or not, aside from my sister Jill. His humorous yet pointed skewering of political figures has done more to keep the media on the straight and narrow path than any other public figure, in my humble opinion! Jon’s sun sign is Sagittarius, the sign of the philosopher, the humorist, and the adventurer, and his Sun is... Read more

November 29, 2005

I thought I’d share just a few fun things that have happened over the past few days: A document that I was waiting for from Switzerland arrived late, and the post office lost the slip for me to pick up the document with. I went to the post office to straighten this out, and their computer crashed so they couldn’t locate the document. Today I went to the post office when the computer was back up, whereupon they discovered that... Read more

November 29, 2005

When I was young, I went to psychics for everything. Should I take this job? Should I stay with this man? Hampered by my Libran indecision, I longed for someone to just tell me what to do. Yes, THIS will be the right path to walk, not THAT one. Over the years, psychics have told me many things. I would be selling condos at the beach (I live in the North Carolina Piedmont). I would marry the man that left... Read more

November 28, 2005

No one can really explain how astrology works, but anyone who has had a chart reading by a competent astrologer will verify that somehow the planets do possess certain energies that affect us in various ways. Because each of us has a very different birth chart makeup, we are affected by planetary movements differently. For some, a challenging Mars transit can be exhilarating and energizing, and for others it can cause great stress and conflict. Still, the dance that the... Read more

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