November 27, 2005

I love George Clooney, he seems like a truly genuine person with real ethics and political awareness. Plus, he has a great sense of humor. So I was sad to read that the past twelve months have been the worst year of his life. Planetary cycles can have a huge impact on us, so I thought I’d look into George’s chart and see what whether he was undergoing some evolutionary pressure from the planets. George’s Sun is in Taurus, the... Read more

November 26, 2005

As it continued its apparent backwards travel (as viewed from Earth), Mercury changed signs and moved back into Scorpio. The sign that Mercury is in colors the way that communication patterns evolve for everyone, and because Scorpio is a sign that relishes intensity and depth in thinking and expression events while Mercury is in Scorpio often reflect that intensity. Scorpio also likes to uncover hidden secrets, and during the transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius we saw the indictments in the... Read more

November 25, 2005

Rep. Jack Murtha is an unlikely hero for the anti-war movement. Of all the Democrats calling for an end to the Iraq war, Rep. John P. Murtha is an anomaly. Unlike Sens. John F. Kerry (Mass.) and Russell Feingold (Wis.), he doesn’t want to be president. He’s no liberal, like his House colleagues Dennis J. Kucinich (Ohio) and Maxine Waters (Calif.). He’s certainly the only one to call Vice President Cheney a friend. The About-Face of a Hawkish Democrat (WaPo... Read more

November 25, 2005

I still have trouble with the concept of celebrating a holiday that honors what is basically the beginning of the annihilation of Native Americans, but still I am thankful for the many gifts that life has to offer, and even more for the ability to be grateful for what I have instead of envious of what I have not. The Sun conjuncts Mercury today, facilitating communication despite the famous difficulties of Mercury Retrograde. The Sun will illuminate matters of thought... Read more

November 23, 2005

Jupiter in Scorpio makes an exact trine to Uranus today, opening up possibilities and opportunities (Jupiter) for breaking up routines and creating a new way of handling situations (Uranus) that may have become stuck as the result of a standoff between Mars (aggression, personal drive) and Saturn (caution, delays). The square between Mars and Saturn was exact last week, but they are still dancing around each other as both planets are now retrograde (appearing to move backward from earth’s perspective).... Read more

November 23, 2005

John McCain works hard to maintain his image as a consensus builder. With Libra rising, and Mercury in Libra, the sign of balance and relationships, he struggles between his need to please others (Libra) and his Virgo sun which strives for authenticity and perfection. Virgos dislike the flattery and superficiality required to negotiate and capitulate; they tend to avoid the spotlight and prefer a quiet corner where they can utilize their famous discrimination to continually perfect themselves and their work.... Read more

November 22, 2005

Happy Birthday, Sagittarians! Although the Sun is just one element in the myriad complexity of the birthchart, it is the biggest single element. The astrological Sun represents our quest, our mission on Planet Earth. It describes the activities that we need in order to feel energized and complete. Sagittarians are on a quest, and they need freedom in order to fulfill their mission. Everything they do is very important, usually more important than what others do. 🙂 Ruled by Jupiter,... Read more

November 22, 2005

Dick Cheney’s Dark Side is Showing (Washington Post article, November 7 2005) The birthchart of Dick Cheney shows an individual who possesses the potential to do great things. His chart contains a highly unusual number of aspects between planets that have powerful implications for an individual. There’s a T-square, a Grand Trine, a Kite, a Yod, and a Mystic Rectangle—an unprecedented number of aspect formations in my experience. What does all this mean? Mr. Cheney is an Aquarian, ruled by... Read more

November 21, 2005

Saturn will be turning retrograde tomorrow, November 22. Planetary retrograde motion is an illusion based on the fact that astrological calculations are taken from the perspective of earth. Illusion or not, however, retrogrades have a powerful impact on interactions between humans and bodies of humans such as countries and governing bodies. Before a planet turns retrograde it slows down to prepare for the turn, and during this period it’s focus strengthens. Compare it to a loud car driving down your... Read more

November 20, 2005

Samuel Alito is an Aries, and ruled by the god of war. Both his Sun and Mercury fall in Aries, the sign of the ram. Aries men tend to be strong and opinionated, with great determination. They are usually leaders and think for themselves. They are usually not great politicians because they tend to be blunt. Without the time of birth we can’t know his ascendant or rising sign, the sign that usually describes one’s appearance. But we can see... Read more

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