Wait, There’s Catholic Media?

Wait, There’s Catholic Media? March 15, 2011

So it’s Catholic Media Promotion Day. If you don’t know what it is, then you are quite simply not invited to the cool kid’s club, your hair is probably a mess, and you might as well give up any major commitments you’ve made in your life. It’s that awesome.

Catholic Blogger [kath-uh-lik blog·ger] – 1. One who quotes G.K. Chesterton at the beginning of his or her blog, then hopes no one notices that the rest of the post takes a long time restating what he already said in that one quote. 2. One who thinks he or she could give better homilies than their priests. 3. The inevitable result of a mild jealousy towards published Catholic authors. 4. A fire-breathing dragon known to inhabit the upper regions of Scandinavia. 5. A widely used synonym for ‘awesome’, ‘ridiculously good-looking’, ‘awe-inspiring’ and ‘the scourge of God upon the Internet’.

My 3 Favorite Catholic Blogs! (Besides American Papist, Catholic and Enjoying It , and Why I Am Catholic because I know everyone’s following them already.)
1. The Room of Shattered Glass – Sean doesn’t write NEARLY as often as I would like him to, but when he does it is reasoned, thoughtful, educated and more than worthwhile.
2. The Devout Life – Mindy is a Saint. And frankly, when the day of judgement comes, you blog-followers will be held accountable for not following the blog of a saint. Her writing is holy, simply put. Which does not mean that she can’t be hilarious.
3. Fallible Blogma – finger on the pulse.
4. This is not to mention the ever prolific …the hell with it, or The Catholic Knight, who rather pragmatically reminds us that the world is about to end.
I don’t listen to podcasts, which is what I was supposed to write about in this section. But I don’t just want to leave you with an empty section! I will instead show you my:

Least Favorite Catholic Blogs!!!!!!
People to ignore them and pray for their conversion. Do not follow!

http://badcatholic.blogspot.com/ – I am so very glad that this blog never actually emerged into existence. I’m not personally in the habit of chronicling my kinky adventures, but I imagine it would take some of, well some of the kinkiness out of it. “How would you describe that position, darling?” “Well goodness, that’s not easy, it might require a metaphor…” “Right, let’s take a break and think on it.”
http://bad-catholic.blogspot.com/ – heresy steals my name. Well not really, I stole his/hers. Pray for conversion!
3 Other Catholic Media! (grammar? who cares!)
Catholic music! Actually there’s some general Christian stuff mixed in, but this, particular Audrey Assad,
is where it’s at; full of honest, searching faith. Speaking of Audrey, I’ve been trying to get a hold of her – I think she could write a killer guest post.  None of this Casting Crowns balogney here. That does count as media, right? There’s also movies, but you don’t need me to tell you those.
Three Random Catholic Things Online!
Well, I made this.
But seriously:
1. Phatmass. The best discussions on the entire Internet happen here, a website/forum for socially isolated, weird, hip-hop loving Catholics.
2. Catholic Online – just fantastic. Great journalism, great content: and a website design from heaven itself. If you run a Catholic website, aim for kind of awesomeness.
3. Chesterton.org – brand new website, same great writer, these people will save the world. Have some.
My Various Projects

1. Pass high school.
2. Work a 16 hour dishes shift on Saturday.
3. Write a blog post about something.

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