The Pilgrimage: Israel Part Five

The Pilgrimage: Israel Part Five June 23, 2014

There is still today considerable debate as to which little town named Qana (Cana) in the north is Biblical Cana, of wedding fame. It may be Kirbet Qana, but that is not the traditional site, and we visited the traditional site which has a lovely Catholic Church, and an even more lovely little wedding chapel….not far from the local wine salesman 🙂

As you may remember, the Pope visited Israel and Jordan just a little after we moved on to Turkey, and these posters were up everywhere, including in the Cana Church

One of the interesting facts about this church is that it was built on top of what used to be a Jewish synagogue or some other kind of Jewish public building (who knows…. maybe a wedding hall) as can be seen from the mosaic floor beneath the aisle of the central church where there are these inscriptions…

One of the things found in abundance around here was oil lamps….

Not to mention gorgeous flowers (pea flowers, bougainvillea etc.).

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