Nova Scotia– Part Three

Nova Scotia– Part Three July 22, 2015

Besides the Covenanter Church in Grand Pre, there is also the Grand Pre Winery, which specializes in ice wines, wines in which one has left the grapes on the vine into the winter months, and then harvested them. To be honest, I had never heard of ice wines before I visited Nova Scotia, but I gather they are also produced in snowbound U.S. places like Buffalo as well. The process is such that this concentrates the sugars in the grape (and also reduces the alcohol content) with the result being dessert wines. Here is the entrance way to the winery….


As you might imagine, deliberately trying to grow grapes during tundra time in Nova Scotia is a bit of a risky business. Here are three explanations of the viticulture process and how they pull it off.

Of course the proof (by which I do not mean the % of alcohol) of the product is in the quaffing, and so I sampled it. I say bring on the dessert that goes with this. When they pour this wine, you get your just desserts. I’m thinking this is exactly the wine that Jesus created to make merry the wedding in Cana, which is why the toastmaster said— ‘you’ve saved the best tasting for last’.

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