Are You Ready for some Football?– Part Two

Are You Ready for some Football?– Part Two November 26, 2015

There never would have been a stadium like AT+T in all likelihood, had there not been a very successful Cowboys franchise for Jerry Jones to buy. He does not own the stadium, or better said, he is a minority owner of it along with the town of Arlington Texas where it is located. If you are not overcome by the triptofan effect of turkey yet, you may remember that Tom Landry, an excellent coach, and also a devout Christian, is the man really responsible for the building of the Cowboys into a powerhouse NFL team, which is why his statue is outside AT+T stadium….dall10

The outside of the stadium looks like a space ship landed in Texas and it is quite impossible to get the whole thing into a picture if you are anywhere near the stadium itself, but here’s an idea of how ginormous this place is…

But it’s not just huge on the outside, it’s huge on the inside too. Witness your truly with a shot of the ants running around on the field behind me… by which I mean ant men and ant women….

Here are a few facts to dazzle you—- there are over 3,800 TVs in this building, so you don’t have to miss a single play whether you are visiting the concessions stadium, the toilet, the NFL gear shop, or just wandering aimlessly around the concourse….. which can take forever.
Whenever you look up, you see the retractable portion of the roof, which according to our guide, is very seldom open (though it was for the Monday night football game a couple of weeks ago). It takes only 10 minutes to open and close that puppy, because it involves a light weight inflatable roof….

Of course there are plenty of non-football distractions in the stadium as well… for instance… the lone star……which one sees at the entrance the players use to the field….
dall16 Or for instance the unusual flag, in this case in Carolina Blue, obviously in honor of my visit…

One doesn’t need to pay attention to the game at all, if one prefers to just waste about $600 dollars on a ticket to a game (though the standing room tickets are a paltry $29).

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