The Christy Fund—- A Year End Appeal

The Christy Fund—- A Year End Appeal December 26, 2016


Dear Friends:

As most of you know, five years ago next month, our precious daughter Christy was found dead at 33 in her apartment in Durham N.C., felled by a pulmonary embolism. In trying to do something positive and constructive out of the chaos, I set up a scholarship fund in her memory at Asbury Theological Seminary. The fund is called the Christy Witherington Fund, and it supports female doctoral students seeking to pursue God’s calling on their lives to teach and serve Christ. This fund will soon run out of money, and I have not made this appeal in the last few years, but I knew in my heart I needed to try once more, as there are so many students needing scholarship aid these days. If you can find it in your heart to give a little here at the end of the year, it is a tax write off, and the check can be sent c/o Jay Endicott at the seminary— Asbury Theological Seminary, N. Lexington Avenue, Wilmore, Ky. 40390. Be sure to write Christy Witherington fund in the designation line on the front of the check.

Thanks in advance for whatever you can give, any amount, and the Lord bless you and keep you,

Ben W.

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