Quote of the Day from CKB

Quote of the Day from CKB January 17, 2017


The only really convincing explanation of the world must assume that it was made by God, but that raises difficulties. What about the evil in the world? So, the only God that satisfies the conditions is the God whose Son was incarnate and by taking upon himself human nature and suffering and dying makes atonement for human beings and so redeems them from the bondage of corruption.
God is true, and God is living. That is to say, he is not only reality, he is creative reality. God is not merely an explanation, he does the explaining. God is not merely a solution, he is the solver. God is not merely the truth, he is the life. Again, for Paul this is no mere abstract assertion. It all depends in a perfectly definite way on Jesus, Jesus who lived and died, whom God raised from the dead, who delivers us from the wrath which is coming.

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