Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway

Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway July 19, 2017


One of the major natural tourist attraction is the Giant’s Causeway, in the northern part of Northern Ireland. This is about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns on the north coast, and it is well worth seeing. It has the name it does due to the myth about Finn McCool. Here’s the Wiki summary of the myth— “The story goes that the Irish giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool), from the Fenian Cycle of Gaelic mythology, was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner. Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet. In one version of the story, Fionn defeats Benandonner. In another, Fionn hides from Benandonner when he realises that his foe is much bigger than he. Fionn’s wife, Oonagh, disguises Fionn as a baby and tucks him in a cradle. When Benandonner sees the size of the ‘baby’, he reckons that its father, Fionn, must be a giant among giants. He flees back to Scotland in fright, destroying the causeway behind him so that Fionn could not follow.”

Unfortunately for us, we got there during our worst rainy day, so I had to take these pictures whilst getting soaked, and then run into a pub to dry out and nourish myself. igc1igc2igc3

At points, these stones almost appear like they’ve been laid by a stone mason for a walk way.
igc4igc5igc6 This is not only a World Heritage Site, it’s a very popular tourist and holiday destination and has been for a very long time. igc7igc8

In short, its not a proper trip to Northern Ireland unless you go to Giant’s Causeway….igc11

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