“Creativity” – Top Ten Things to get catch an idea

“Creativity” – Top Ten Things to get catch an idea October 2, 2008

I’m working on a set of guidelines for creating lessons at MissionChrist I created this list as a resource and thought you all might like to take a look at it.

Creativity is one of the main ways we are created in God’s image. He is a creator, in fact in Genesis 1:1 the fact that he is a creating is the only thing we know about God. The Bible begins by introducing us to God, not with a name or a linage, or even an image. All we know is that he creates.

We’ll probably talk about this a lot more in the future, but until then here are ten tips for creating good ideas, and identifying useful goals!


1. Brainstorm Alone and With others
2. Repeat what others have said back to them to clarify
3. Take a break and let ideas simmer
4. Identify in what times and places ideas come to you most. Create a space for them to grow.
5. Have a method to catch ideas when they come in the day to day. (paper, pen, voice recorder, etc…)
6. Try changing your perspective on an issue. Different vantage points can foster new Ideas
7. Try Random association: take something unrelated and just grab words and pictures from it and run with it… see where it goes.
8. Write down everything even stupid ideas
9. Don’t Be Afraid to Share!
10. Have Fun…. Play… seriously this is proven to help

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