November 6, 2013

Yes, smarty-pants, I said Google+. While I know that many church folks (at least in my circle) have not rushed over to google+, too many people whom I trust are saying G+ the place that will still be standing at the end of the day. I have been using G+ a little more over the past couple of months than usual mostly via a few communities of which I am a part. I have found that with good moderating and... Read more

October 23, 2013

I hear it all the time when church folks offer social media advice to one another, Get one of the youth to run the church’s social media ministry. I get it. Those of us who trend a little older have it emblazoned across our foreheads – no thanks to many of the cultural narratives – that young equals technological savvy. And for the most part, that is true. Change your TV back to a language that you understand, sure. Think... Read more

October 15, 2013

Others who have since blogged about the letter: Angry Asian Man, Kathy Khang, Rachel Held Evans, Elder,J, rethinkxian, Dora, AsAm News, Evangelical Covenant Church, NPR Codeswitch and The Christian Post — Please let me know if you know of others and I’ll update this list. And if you are seeing this for the first time, be sure to check out, The Open Letter, How We Got Here and Where We Hope to Go by one of the lead organizers, Kathy Khang. Church is a funny thing. An... Read more

October 11, 2013

ADDENDUM: Players featured on my twitter profile thus far: “Sweet” Lou Whitaker, Ozzie Virgil Sr., Larry Doby . . . This morning I have no voice and my baseball spirit is in mourning. Last night, my wife and I went to watch the Oakland A’s play the Detroit Tigers in, Game #5 of the American League Divisional Championships. Win and go on to play for the American League pennant, lose and go home for the winter. It was loud and raucous... Read more

October 10, 2013

A few years back a friend and I had one of those, “Yes, we’re a$$hats!” moment. We were hanging out at an event and – as we tend to too easily do – we started talking about a common acquaintance. We were not being nasty, but our words were certainly not flattering. We were gossiping. So of course, being out in public and within earshot of other people, someone says tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me but,... Read more

August 20, 2013

Holy moley there are a ton of social media sites out there! Seriously, how the heck can anyone keep up with them all? After all, some of you church types have to do things like visit people in the hospital, prepare sermons, fix toilets and maybe, just maybe have a social/family life. Slackers 🙂 This is where folks like me come into the picture. As a friend of mine, Becca Ludlam, reminds me, for some of us, this whole social... Read more

July 24, 2013

Below is an excerpt from my new Kickstarted book, But I Don’t See You as Asian: curating Conversations about Race. As I mentioned in the opening chapter about Lorenzo, I attended high school in Sacramento, California, in the mid-1980s. The community of my upbringing was middle-class, Asian-American, and suburban; the high school I attended was quite different culturally and socioeconomically, and decidedly more urban feeling. Luther Burbank High School also had the reputation of being a place from which you... Read more

June 10, 2013

I will be doing a grand announcement over on later this week, but wanted to give a heads up to my Patheos readers about the my new book, But I Don’t See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race now available in on Amazon and for the Nook. There will be more to come, but in the mean time, take a listen to my first interview and if you are in the San Francisco Bay Area on Sunday, June 23rd you’re... Read more

May 20, 2013

Once again, this summer I’ll be taking part in the Church Planters Academy held at Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis. I was there last year and found it to be a great blend of presentations and conversations that seemed to be helpful to those in attendance. The best part of the event is getting to know some good folks and hear intriguing stories of success and failure in the life of some faithful folks. For my part, this year I’ll talk again about organizations and structure as... Read more

May 17, 2013

Dear Parents, I get it. I really do. Whether it is the first time your daughter gets on the school bus or your son’s first foray out into the playground by himself, there is something that stirs deep in our souls that makes us want to roll their hearts in bubble wrap, douse their spirits with anti-bacterial gel and give them a guard dog lest anyone gets too close. Seriously, have you seen some playgrounds lately? Sure there may be soft recycled ground cover and... Read more

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