Granola Recipe

Granola Recipe June 27, 2008

In response to your requests, below is my granola recipe. What I love about granola is that you can really add anything to it (alright, not anything, but a lot of things). I have found that experimenting and omitting or adding things that I know my family likes makes the best granola for us. Here are the basics of what I use:

6 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 cup natural wheat or barley cereal
1-2 cups sliced/crushed pecans/almonds (I like to use pecans b/c they are sweeter)
1/2 cup raw sugar or brown sugar (can omit or use less)
1 teaspoon salt
1-2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2-3/4 cup apple juice or water (more water = more clusters, but you have to bake longer)
4 tablespoons of butter/safflower/coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
1-1.5 teaspoons vanilla
1/4-1/2 cup flaxseeds
zest of one orange
Can also add: dried pitted cherries, seedless raisins, dates, dried rasberries, dried blueberries, dried peaches, etc.
Mix all ingredients together, oats should start to stick together in clumps. You should taste granola for right amount of sugar/honey. Spread on cookie sheets and bake at 300, stirring every 15 minutes until golden and slightly crunchy–about 1 hour. Stir in dried fruit after it has cooled. Enjoy!

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