Grace in the Laundry Pile

Grace in the Laundry Pile March 5, 2010

As a new Lenten discipline, I’ve been wrangling my laundry crisis. It is no secret laundry and I have been in a dual for some time and I thought it a necessary sacrifice for Jesus this season. Leading up to this point, I’ve had good weeks and good days, only to be followed by periods of neglect and inactivity that have all resulted in chaos. For me, home chaos is the devil’s tool, which then breeds general sloth, apathy, and the like. It is not prayerful or even mindful of Christ; instead, it discourages my daily walk.

So thankfully, it seems the fruits of sacrifice have been GRACE and then some more grace. I’m happy to say: God is good… even with laundry. His mercy is always there and always available, we just have to meet him halfway. We have to put in some sweat to make it happen.
I started with a few simple laundry rules:
1) Each member of the family has a day(s) for laundry
e.g. Baby J–Monday, Big boys: Tuesday, Thursday (Friday, if necessary); Mom and Dad: Wednesday; Sheets, towels: weekend. I posted the schedule in the laundry room to keep me honest.
2) Clean laundry must be folded upon removal from dryer. A basket may be used to put away clean laundry; otherwise, folded clothes go directly to drawers.
3) The day’s laundry task is started at wake-up and finished by bedtime.
Simple, eh? It seems like the “sweat” God is asking of me is really no sweat at all. From “sacrifice” has come an incredible clarity. My husband can’t believe it. Gone are the days seeing a mountain of clean clothes in the hallway. Gone are the complaints from an overtired wife who can’t get it all done. Gone is the sloth that would encroach and threaten to leave us with no underwear for days.
Present is Grace. Grace in the laundry pile.
Thank you, God.

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