Dream Home

Dream Home July 31, 2013

not a home we can afford….

After several housing situations fell through for our family this spring we have had to readjust our plans. What our family is looking for (a home on land for our boys to be boys outside) does not exist in the area in which we need to be. Which leaves us with the option of building a home, which is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. It is fun to look at all the great ideas out there and then come back to reality and see what we can actually afford. We want to create a home that is functional for our larger-than-average-and-possibly-still-growing family.

So my question is this: If you were designing a home for a large-ish family, what would you include? My first thought was a laundry chute. I’m sure no one would complain about sending their laundry down a slide. My second thought was: That is a terrible idea. I’m sure I can’t even imagine what/who would try to go through it. My husband had the idea of having a garage tall enough that we could park a van inside if our family outgrows our current car. I am also considering eating Ramen noodles for a year to put in 2 dishwashers.

Since we are still in the early stages, I don’t really have any idea what of these ideas would be economically feasible, but I do know that I am willing to have all the boys share a broom closet if I can have a laundry room that I can turn around in! We spend a lot of time in our home and enjoy having others over.  Any fun ideas??

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