Half-and-half Dinner

Half-and-half Dinner September 12, 2013

When you are a firstborn one-year-old, your mom feeds you square meals at home and remembers a sippy cup of organic whole milk when you leave the house.

When you are a fifthborn one-year-old, your mom drags you to an evening event after neglecting to feed you dinner, and forgets your sippy cup, and so your dinner consists of 16 little half-and-half containers sitting at room temperature by the vats of coffee. Poured into your mouth one by one while you hang loose in the Ergo, enjoying a lecture on Catholicism and the Natural Sciences.

I tell you, these later-born kids are survivors!

And half-and-half containers, also known as “free sample” drinks at restaurants, really are a large family’s best friend.

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