Favorite Toddler Activities

Favorite Toddler Activities September 4, 2014

I know I am probably the last of the families here to return to school, but we did finally return to school this week.  It has been a wonderful week for my two school-age children.  Even our kindergartener who started half-day kindergarten today was beaming ear to ear.  The week has been a bit tougher for my three year old and me, however.  We both miss his older siblings and wish they weren’t gone for most of the day.

My three year old is not going to preschool this year, so we, along with his one-year old sister, will get to spend most of the day together.  I am determined and excited to put effort and energy into our time together, since this is a new and rare opportunity alone with my younger children.  Today, we came home from school drop off and made a mess finger painting with shaving cream, took an extra long bath time to clean up, and then sang the ABCs in a circle on the floor while we pointed to the letters on a mat.  My three year old loved my extra attention.  I loved it too, especially with the heightened realization that this time is so short.

So, I am looking for your favorite homebound activities with your toddlers and preschoolers so that I might borrow some of them this year.  I purchased The Toddlers Busy Book at a consignment sale and can’t wait to put a few ideas to work each week.  I am thankful that the perspective of seeing my older kids off to school has given me renewed energy for age that I previously found laborious.  Help keep me going with your favorite toddler activities!




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