CBB Review: 40 Days, 40 Ways: A New Look at Lent

CBB Review: 40 Days, 40 Ways: A New Look at Lent February 18, 2015

40_days_40_waysLent is a time for renewal…of new birth. It is a time to focus on making ourselves better and is so much more than giving up chocolate or soda. In his latest book 40 Days, 40 Ways: A New Look at Lent, Marcellino D’Ambrosio does exactly what the title suggests. He takes a fresh look at Lenten practices and provides readers with 40 activities they can partake in to cultivate spiritual growth. It’s a book that is well –suited for Lent but quite frankly can be used anytime of the year when you need a little spiritual wake up.

A word of warning, this book is not meant to be a straight through, cover to cover read. From the Preface:

“The best way to use this book is as follows: Set aside fifteen to twenty minutes of quiet time for Lent begins, or as early in Lent as you can. Ask the Holy Spirit, your personal trainer, to guide you. Then prayerfully read through the entire list of forty suggestions provided in the table of contents, looking for just one to three ideas that jump off the page and seem to be, for you, the most important and most doable. Read the specific pages that further explain these particular tips and commit to doing these faithfully throughout the Lenten season. “

“Next, commit to read each tip and it’s accompanying reflection, one per day, from Ash Wednesday all the way to Easter. You will probably find yourself incorporating several more of these spiritual exercises to your regimen as time goes on – if not every day, at least on the day you read it.”

These tips run the gambit of practices and if you mix up what you choose you can certainly be practicing a wide variety of activities. Without covering all 40 here are a few of my favorites.

Cut back purchases of luxuries and give the saved money to the poor. If we get right down to it what might not seem like a lot to us is plenty to the poor. Make that personal sacrifice and be rewarded in heaven.

Forgive those who have offended you or your loved ones. Pray for the person who has been the most hurtful or annoying. Here’s one I struggle with. Many of us have encountered less than ethical people we have had to deal with. This is a tough one but one that will help us grow spiritually if we can succeed at it.

Get to know the Fathers of the Church. I am a big fan of the Church Fathers. They were the first to carry on the faith from the disciples. They encountered persecution we can’t even compare to. There are plenty of resources available to fulfill this one. Check out my daily Year with the Church Fathers posts to start.

Learn the Abandonment Prayer of Blessed Charles de Fouchauld.  A beautiful prayer that if prayed slowly and thoughtfully everyday will put your life in focus.

Rounding out the book is a great little Mini-Retreat for Good Friday and the Triduum. 7 pages packed with scripture readings and prayers to complete the Easter season, this is a mini-retreat worth taking.

40 Days, 40 Ways is one of those books that come along and gives you an unprecedented opportunity to grow. If you faithfully complete this 40 day journey during Lent you will have embarked on a makeover program that no gym can offer. You will have completed a spiritual makeover that will benefit you a lifetime. This is also one of those books that you can pull out next Lent and utilize again ….or anytime later in the year. Spiritual fitness is as important as physical fitness…..don’t miss out on the opportunities this book provides.



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