Rediscover the power of the Mass

Rediscover the power of the Mass April 28, 2017

bored again catholic spotlightThe Mass is an integral part of the Catholic faith. Our tradition regarding the celebration of the Mass and the sacrifice that is central to it is what sets us apart from all Christian denominations. Sometimes we forget or do not truly understand everything that occurs throughout the Mass.  Perhaps we do not fully realize the sheer awesomeness that occurs in front of our eyes on the altar in front of us. Timothy O’Malley addresses all of this in his latest from Our Sunday Visitor, Bored Again Catholic: How the Mass Could Save Your Life.

That title may sound dramatic, but it’s meant to be, AND it’s the truth. One of the problems facing the Church today is the faithful’s lack of understanding what the Mass entails. This is likely a result of poor catechesis in recent years. Without a real understanding of each component of the Mass, one might stop coming altogether.

In the digital world we live in, we have become accustomed to quick bursts of information that we consume at any time that is convenient for us. Those soundbites are a click away for us to tweet, share and like. In turn, many expect this same convenience to occur in other areas of their live. “Mass is boring” we often hear. Is this a true statement or a result of the inner wiring society has built into us through habit?

Timothy O’Malley provides a complete walk through of the Mass in Bored Again Catholic. In twenty chapters, he breaks down every component of the Mass from the entrance into the Church to the Concluding Rites. By the end of this book, you will have a much deeper understanding of everything that happens during the Mass. It serves as a primer for the lost and confused and disinterested, opening the reader’s blindness to what they cannot currently see or what they do not fully realize.

Do we face distractions in Mass? Most definitely! Are there times our minds wander or the family picnics scheduled for that afternoon or…..the upcoming football game. Absolutely! Attending Mass does not mean we have to be perfect. Far from it. We attend Mass because we are NOT perfect. We are broken, and lost people in need of the spiritual shot in the arm the Mass can provide. Even greater than that is our obligation to praise the one true God in the setting He has provided for us to do so.

Bored Again Catholic is one of the best books on the Mass I have seen in a long time. Whether you are a weekly, daily, or Easter and Christmas attendee, this is a powerful book. It is not meant to be read quickly, rather study each section and learn. Rediscover the power of the Mass so that you can drink deeply from the well of its benefits. Become transfixed by the ritual that happens every Mass. Contemplate more fully the readings. Become in awe and savor fully the Eucharist. Timothy O’Malley provide the primer to achieve this…we just need to read it.

To learn more about this book, listen to the archive of my show Off the Shelf exclusively on Breadbox Media as Tim and I discuss the book and the Mass in depth.



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